Recent content by 125g

  1. 125g

    Important New Map & Setting Transition + Important Whitelist Update

    Minecraft Username: 125g Discord Tagline: Nates#2103
  2. 125g

    I'm not gonna say what race it is. . . . BUT THE BLACKTIDES-

    I'm not gonna say what race it is. . . . BUT THE BLACKTIDES-
  3. 125g

    Dag J'Khani

    Dag J'Khani -General Information- AGE: 46 GENDER: Male ────── CLASS: Yeah I got that. (Charlatan) ALIGNMENT: Chaotic-Neutral OCCUPATION: Vendor / Black Powder Keggar ────── RELATIONSHIP: Single SEXUALITY: Straight ────── RACE: Bogrin (Shakh-Ta) RELIGION: Acknowledgement of the Gods...
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