
I'm gay.. I'm slay.. I love boy kissers mwah mwah.. ANYWAYS HELLO
I enjoy rp I enjoy reading sometimes!

What rp do I enjoy the most?
well obvi medieval fantasy BUT I also really love any and all medical rp! From ancient medical rp all the way to cyberpunk sci fi med rp! I love medicine! I also love alcohol making in this server! super fun!
Jun 5, 2007 (Age: 17)


Mortals and Mythos special gay wood elf doctor!

Doctor Maxilia Francis Savant-Cupiditatem | Wood Elf | No Magic |
Pantheon of the Verdant Circle



  1. 2

    [T1] Initiate of the Guild

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  2. 1

    [T1] Initiate of the Voice

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
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