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Age: 033
Race: Hybrid Et'Ata - Athar[Tier 1] [Tier 2 achievable post March 1st 2025]
Athar’s Resolve: [Reaction]- The Athar draws upon their internal resolve to gain advantage on an Attack or Defensive Roll, before making the initial roll. [Cooldown] Once per Day.
Namer’s Sight: [Passive]- The Athar can see in darkness as if it were dim light, and dim light as if it were fully lit up to 10 Blocks.
Bracer’s Blood: [Passive]- Forged through fire, tempered by virtue, the et’Ata’s body emits a faint ashen aura that conceals their form, granting them a +2 to their first Defense Roll in Initiative.
- Brilliant Pyre: The et’Ata gains the Flaming Soul Tag.
Culture: Mixed
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Nickname(s): Smith
Height: 7foot2
Build: Fit
Hair: Dark strainy hair resting at chin length.
Stubby beard
Eyes: Blinded gray coloration.
Features: A light scar dealt by a corrosive liquid below his left eye. Hands covered in many work relaced calluses and scars.
Orientation: Hermit
Relationship: Not many, hbu.
Dress: Plain shirt along plain trousers, a excentric expensive cloth belt. Out of norm a fine coat befit higher status.
Occupation: Blacksmith specialization in weapons, jewlery and trinkets at the side.
Class: Wizard
Religion: Mixed own belief
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Character Tier: 1
STR: -1 | CON: 3 | AGI: -1 | INT: 5 | HP: 18 | MS: 9 | TOX: 0/18
Tier 0 - Overdrive| Passive
Initiative Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
You dig deep and push past your normal limits, forcing your body to act when you otherwise could not.
The Echo loses 5 Health and gains a Prime, Swift, or Reaction that can be used at any time until the end of their next turn.
Note: During Events, it can be requests of ST to utilize this skill in different ways or by paying different costs, or even bypassing the cooldown for increased costs to allow a character to perform something with RP items or actions that otherwise might not be possible. This is your Plus Ultra moment, use it wisely.
Tier 1 - Instinctual Reaction | Passive
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 2 Intuition | Weapon Requirements: None
Your body moves with a base, intuitive force, allowing you to instantly dodges blows and protect yourself even if your body isn’t as hardy as others.
The Echo uses their Intuition Modifier instead of Constitution for their Wards.
Tier 1 - Blood of Sygaldry | Prime Action
5 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 2 Constitution or Intuition | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo deals 1d3+1 Cold, Fire, or Lightning Damage to a target within 6 Blocks.
Tier 2 - Blood of Immortum I Passive
Cooldown 24 Hours I Requirements 3 Int or Con I Weapon requirements: None
Upon reaching deaths door the echo is restored to 3HP Once.
The gear used in loadouts are things that attribute to the character during CRP. These items will specify which slot they use, and what their bonuses may be etc. It is suggested that a screenshot be place in the relevent section. A detailed explanation of the system can be foud [here].

Plate (3con - 10Ward)
Main Hand:
Special Permissions:

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Magic(s):Necromancy T1
Magic Applications:
Teacher?: Not for a while.
Tier: 3
Known Spells: ?
Feats: ?
Passives: [List for ST ease]
Current Mutations:
[Link Accepted Special Perms App for each]
Aberrant Mutations:
[Link Accepted Special Perms App for each]
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Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Often times bored
Love to the aesthetic
Book enthusiast
Interests: Advancing, making a proper name as smith in the fields of magic.
Habits: Drinking/Smoking
Aspirations: Spontaneous, more nihilistic.
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Mortis, had been born within northern parts of a distant continent. Quickly being followed by both brother and sister, along with an adopted sister as well. Living together with his family in the harsh north atop a dwarven controlled mountain, ensuring the family their silence.
Through growing up, mortis originally had been named Lucio by his mother, yet his father disregarded this naming him mortis instead. Which ended up sticking with him. Mortis, while growing up, had learnt swordsmanship carefully by his father, then being taught to smith from a very young age. Quickly catching onto them with increased interest. Over the following years he grew stronger and more collected. Beginning to also see the dwarven folk more often, after his father had taught him everything. Now he was supposed to be taught by the very forgemasters themself.
Exceeding further in mastering both the handling and the creation of weapons and armor, he grew most fond of staying more with the dwarves. His brother is taking his leave for the bigger cities while his sister stayed with their father.
Eventually, mortis grew fond of adventuring out the dwarven hold, having learnt and mastered all they could teach. Making his way ashore to find himself at the docks, met by a tradesmen who offered him to come along to see the world in return for a young workforce for the sail.
Arriving at the distant lands, mortis quickly noticed the bigger cities have a lower standard most often over secluded people, either by carelessness or sheer idiocy. Making his name known as smith there, he earnt quite the reputation. As soon as word spread of his superb weapon capability, he was the cause of a part of the rumors there. Eventually being requested to see the higher officials of the city as its empire. At first becoming a member of the guards, yet by expertise in combat and tactics he quickly rose in ranks. As first a royal smith, and lastly becoming a royal bodyguard he made quite the career in his early life.
One faithful day, he was met by a child, an abandoned girl moving through the streets in the darkness. Accustomed to stealing for food as he spotted her leave multiple inns. After eventually confronting her, and feeling pity for her. He took her in, due to lack of talking, naming her silence.
The both came along rather well, he would work while she spent time in the house or the garden.
It held a few months yet it was unfortunately short lived, as one day mortis got note of people breaking into his of all houses. Some elves akin to the woods had made their way into the city with nothing good in mind. Ending up breaking in and robbing him not only of valuables. Yet also of the life of his adopted daughter.
As he had gotten note of this, he fell into a maddening rage. Never having liked elves to begin with, now even less sympathy for their being, abandoning his usual sacred guard spot. Leaving to take his rage out on the very elves responsible for this. Meanwhile he made his way into the forests, the culprits of the robbery made their move on who he was supposed to guard. Not only taking his daughter, yet additionally his masters life as well.
After he had snapped out of the mental haze it had caused him, he understood his surroundings of mauled and dismembered innocent elves. It was a group of adventurous people who had created the entire plan which led mortis to even further sink his morale and spirit. Out of defeat, he took his remaining pride along the coat. Taking his leave to the dark sea that brought him to these lands, anew making his leave.
Arriving at a set of islands, he quickly felt lively. Now with 26 years he had spent learning, thinking about teaching someone the arts of smithing. Yet in these lands as it turned later out, he would certainly find no lasting home. As he eventually came by libraries and one of few other major cities, he caught a few books, written regarding heretical and demonic beings and how to control them… Weirdly enough, it was written by his father, a warm and kindhearted man. At first in disbelief having returned to his father, yet soon understanding that he had his own story with the cities. With ballas running amok, utilizing any spark of dark arts, the occult or even the demonic to kill further and let out his anger. It is said that he was executed, which mortis can confirm, and his body stored within the vault. Yet after a few years, it had gone vanishing into thin air from the steel chest it was in. Some suspecting mortis and leaving him in a prison cell out of fear of his father, yet nothing came of it other than injured guards over the long run. Some rumors speak of Ballas sole hatred for the living having raised his body beyond that plain to act as demon himself. Others were speaking of his pacts which denied him access from the release of his mortal coil. Mortis held little of this other than disgust to both his father and these people. Finishing his most simple teachings to a youngling.
During his preparations for the last time the setting sailed as he hoped, he allowed a woman entrance into his keep on a dark winter night. From her story she had run away after her mother wanted her to be married to a guy she did not want to marry. As mortis let her stay the following weeks, the both grew both closer and warmer to each other, Lottie or Ottilien grew close with mortis, leading to the marriage the both now uphold. It also seemed mortis' curiosity and will to adventure had jumped over to her as well, as she did no less than join him on escapades and be his better piece in any situation.
After the preparations to set sail were done, he and his wife took the boat with its crew, sailing to what mortis now knows as manaan port. Lottie soon after went on a pirate hunt, to return soon. Yet of this, came little as one final day. He scouted a fresh arrival at the beaches close to the port. Arriving closer he had noticed it to be his wife, drowned by the unjust sea. In greater sorrow, not years later, it had pulled mortis back to sea. Leaving manaan port to be on his way to a hopefully brighter future.
Eventually arriving at Vaelyn, a bastion as he heard. Months post his arrival, a huge vessel had made landfall, bringing with it. Inhabitants of manaan port. Perhaps a chance for him to truthfully find peace among others. Living silently in the last corner of the large city, tired of the life which had been presented to him, rather than to seek retribution against anything.
Cheesy i know, but aye most of it was irp on other places. So who gives a damn, much text.
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Markus Chang "The Kid"
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Ancient but exists, Props to Atiredghost

Nuffin here
Who takes commissions
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