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  1. Pluto


    pos. trait Debonair, Loyal . . . ╰──╮ ╭──╯ . . . name` Aerith E. Louve neu. trait Idealistic, Magnanimous . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . nicknames` Aeris neg. trait Cynical, Impatient, Rude . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . age` Late Sixties likes Sarcasm, Disruption . . . ╰──╮ ╭──╯ . . ...
  2. Pluto

    ; `` QUIL `` ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

    GOOGLE DOCUMENT | CHARACTER SHEET - QUIL pos. trait Intelligent, Observant . . . ╰──╮ ╭──╯ . . . name` Quildor S. C. Frore neu. trait Dismissive, Stoiid . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . nicknames` Quil, Mantis, Quilson, Lu neg. trait Impulsive, Distant . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . age` Late...
  3. Pluto

    Gifting? | A Letter to the Southern

    ——————( )—————— This poster was pinned up in all the districts of the southern wall; each mill house street, & farming structure. Copies would be posted on the town boards in the middle of the low hours for the public. The letter itself was written in fine common script. [OOC: Respond to this...
  4. Pluto

    Accepted Guild Applications - HBE (Plut0Phobia)

    Why do you want to formalize a guild?` To eventually separate from the Eon Circle yet aid in sharpening the knowledge of magic; a way to give people options whether it be truly harnessing or owning a device, should one wish to learn. What events or special roleplay do you foresee your guild...
  5. Pluto


    QUIL S. C. FRORE @prose; '' The Darkness of an empty room is only so vast for it is contained by the walls of the room itself. It is an ever-lapsing yet nonconscious continuation of spanning nothingness. However, when a small Light appears within the center, the room doesn’t seem that dark...
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