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  1. chunky_dog

    All New Discord/Forum Integration!

    Just a small little announcement. But we now have much better Discord / Forum integration. I'll be going into more detail with this in the upcoming Developer Log. But announcements in this subforum will now be automatically posted to the announcements channel in Discord. Additionally: All...
  2. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.11.0

    A.11.0 14/09/2024 [+] Addition Fix/Optimization [-] Removal Gameplay [+] New mobs have been added! Added vampires and big skellington mobs to be used in events and future projects. [+] Fast travel for the Moon Grove has been implemented! Within the tunnel leading out eastward from...
  3. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.10.1

    A.10.1 21/08/2024 [+] Addition Fix/Optimization [-] Removal Gameplay [+] New Ticket System has been implemented! You can access it by doing /ticket create (message), then you can select which team to assign this ticket to. On creating a ticket, it will notify all online staff and also...
  4. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.10.0

    A.10.0 15/08/2024 [+] Addition Fix/Optimization [-] Removal Gameplay [+] New skin cosmetics option has been added! One of the most major additions of this update is a new section to the /cosmetics GUI. By navigating to the right side and clicking on the player head icon, you can gain...
  5. chunky_dog

    Varric Fenn

    V A R R I C "The Grim, The Scorched Drake, Wildfire of the North." THE BODY AGE: 41 RACE: Tyrgannan Human GENDER: Male PRONOUNS: He / Him SEXUALITY: Heterosexual HEIGHT: 6'4 WEIGHT: 16 Stone BUILD: A broad, stocky frame with varied tones of muscle and fat. Befitting a Northerner...
  6. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.9.0

    A.9.0 18/07/2024 Gameplay: Huge buff to archaeology. Rare loot drop chances have been increased. Loot pool has been adjusted to remove carrots and potatoes. All sell prices of loot have been increased. Drop chance of treasures and danger have been increased, reducing chances of 'nothing'. This...
  7. chunky_dog


    TREATY OF IRON TIDES Summar, 120 AC THE REALMS OF THE SEAS A L V O R - W J I R Wrought by chaos, it is between realms of disorder that banners bound by steel and stone must thrive. It is on this very day that the Ministry of Manaan and the Fiefdom of Lunthorpe, henceforth known as the...
  8. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.8.0

    A.8.0 03/07/2024 Gameplay: Added new Mining and Woodcutting world activities. Although these are more aligned with nation / faction amenities, some nodes will be available throughout the world. They are pretty simple, meaning that you just go up with the correct tool and break it like you...
  9. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.7.0

    A.7.0 21/06/2024 Firstly, I just wanted to apologise for the lack of developer updates this month. I've been finishing up with all sorts of IRL, so it's been a bit hectic. But I promise, the wait was worth it! Plenty of new and awesome stuff in this update. Gameplay: A massive combat overhaul...
  10. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.6.0

    A.6.0 31/05/2024 Massive update again. Can't really summarise, so have fun reading! Gameplay 120 New Weapons Added! We wanted to expand our pool of available weapons and shields. This will also be craftable / obtainable mechanically when we integrate some of the more common ones into our...
  11. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.5.0

    A.5.0 17/05/2024 Another big update. Woo! Gameplay PvE Mobs, a new way to obtain gold! You can now find camps around the world (currently, camp) that will allow you to kill bandits / PvE mobs that will drop different loot and gold. High risk, but high reward, it can net a good amount of gold...
  12. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.4.0

    A.4.0 11/05/2024 Massive update today with a huge array of new features, modifications, and so on. Some of these additions will be undergoing heavy development soon enough to add more to them (they will still be usable, but expect some major updates to them along the way). We're really looking...
  13. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.3.0

    A.3.0 01/05/2024 Massive gameplay update! Lots of new additions. Most of these you will start to see through events, shops, or implemented in future systems / updates. Gameplay The Fishing Update Part Two! A lot more additions have been made to fishing, with a bunch of new fish types to...
  14. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.2.0

    A.2.0 23/04/2024 A lot of updates and changes in the past couple days that it warrants its own major devlog post. I think a lot of you will like these! Gameplay Massive update to Fishing. The loot table for the fishing plugin has been completely reworked. This now includes different tiers of...
  15. chunky_dog

    Developer Log A.1.0

    A.1.0 20/04/2024 Note: Developer Logs prior to this point have been archived. This follows new naming conventions and formatting. Hope you guys enjoy! Gameplay Server upgrade! Following a major incident with rapid TPS drops last week, we switched server host providers to a new one. This saw a...
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