Actors wanted for house reech


List of characters:

Abel Reech, General of House Reech A dragon like lizardmen with no skin commands the abyssal legion and most of house reech- OPEN
Hrisk, Barron of House Reech. a female dark elf that serves Abel- OPEN
Lenurae, Abyssal guard, Royal guard of seraax- OPEN
Molak'al, Abyssal guard. Royal guard of Seraax- OPEN
Vire. Abyssal stalker Elite dark elf assassin- OPEN
Kataxiia, The Herald of House Reech, Formally called The Herald of Gilded Flesh is Abel's second in command- OPEN
Araaxen, Pledged to Serrax Former reverent of Exian-OPEN
Axsaeniia, Pledged to Serrax Former reverent of Exian-OPEN
Kavauust, Pledged to Serrax Former reverent of Exian-OPEN
Vereziia, Pledged to Serrax Former reverent of Exian-OPEN
Nhlas Reverent of Seraax fanatically loyal to seraax-OPEN
Tarnus, Abyssal Legion Taskmaster-OPEN
Sizmic, Sword of Seraax, Leader of the Shadows of Seraax-OPEN
Jarus, Shadow of Seraax a human who seraax his adorned in gold and who worship seraax fanatically- OPEN

If either of you want to join DM me on discord at demon737sword
NOTE these are a mere list of character you can make your own but these slots MUST be filled
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can we fill the role but play as our own character? if so im down to be the sword of seraax or the baron of house reech on my new char