HEIGHT: 5'10" | BIRTH NAME: Lutine Metise |
RACE: Ghathari | NICKNAME(S): Keshiri Anhal'ir, Halfbreed, Glob |
BUILD: Sinewy | CULTURE: Imperial |
EYES: Yellow | OCCUPATIONS: Advanced Alkemist, Apprentice |
HAIR: Black and Long | GENDER: Female |
AGE: 20 | PRONOUNS: She/Her |
DESCRIPTION: Keshiri is a mixed race born of a Athar and a Gharuuk. She features the height and build of her Athar mother, but a few traits and features of her Gharuuk father. Her figure appears slightly stretched vertically. Her hands and feet are a bit larger and her arms are longer proportionally when compared to the rest of her body. Her canines are larger than that of a Athar, though smaller than that of a Gharuuk. This makes it so that they are not obvious unless she is talking or if her mouth is open. She has very slightly visible muscle tone and definition that complements her slender figure.
0 | -1 | 2 | 5 | 19 | 9 | 2 | 19 |
Tier 0 - Attack of Opportunity |
Reaction | No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None |
The Echo makes an Attack against a target moving out of their Attack Range. |
Tier 0 - Overdrive |
Passive | Once Per Initiative | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None |
The Echo loses 5 Health and gains a Prime, Swift, or Reaction that can be used at any time until the end of their next turn. |
Tier 0 - Shove |
Prime Action | No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None |
The Echo rolls opposing STR or AGI against a target within Melee range, pushing them back 3 Blocks upon success. |
Tier 1 - Blood of Sygaldry |
Prime Action | 5 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 2 Constitution or Intuition | Weapon Requirements: None |
The Echo deals 1d3+1 Cold, Fire, or Lightning Damage to a target within 6 Blocks. |
Tier 1 - Adaptive Combat |
Passive | No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 2 Intuition | Weapon Requirements: None |
The Echo selects Unarmed, Light, Medium or Heavy Melee Weapons. They use their Intuition to calculate Attack and Damage bonuses for the chosen type. LIGHT WEAPONS SELECTED |
Tier 1 - Dual Wield |
Passive | No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Agility | Weapon Requirements: Off-Hand Light Melee Weapon |
The Echo takes the Attack Action using their Off-Hand weapon, though does not apply Str or Agi Modifiers to damage. |
Tier 1 - Blood of Shindai |
Passive | No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 2 Strength or Agility | Weapon Requirements: None |
The Echo calculates their Unarmed damage as 1d4 instead of 1d2, and they count as Light Weapons. |
Athar’s Resolve: | The Echo, as a [Reaction] once per Day, gains Advantage on an Attack or Defense Roll. |
Born of Air: | The Echo gains +1 Gale Resistance. |
Retainer’s Body: | The Echo may Vault using their standard Movement, and Climbing only consumes +1 additional Movement as opposed to +2. |
Enhanced Resolve | When the Echo uses Athar's Resolve, they may choose to roll their Advantage after seeing the results of the roll |
| |
None |
Flexible | Quiet | Whimsical | Bias | Optimistic |
Anhal'ir tilts her head from side to side when thinking about something. She loves knowledge, magic, and books. She aspires to find artifacts, acquire new knowledge, and achieve something no one has accomplished before. |
Lutine was born to an Athar mother, abandoned at an orphanage, and reduced to a beggar on the streets of Imperialis, which was also known as New Sansretour. Her early childhood was anything but easy on account of her green complexion and yellow eyes. She grew up being called a mixed raced Gharuuk, or in the local language, lutine métisse. At some point early on, she accepted that as her name. Even though she was half Athar, she was nonetheless treated as though she were a full Gharuuk. While the orphanage provided her with what she needed as a small child, she was neglected for a majority of her time there.
As soon as she could work, she was put to it. She'd spend her days cleaning facilities, gutters, and stables for the simplest of meals. That being said, she was very resourceful. She watched and listened as religious texts about the God of Honor and the Prothymía were read aloud, and began to put written words together. She inquired about words and letters in trade for her income whenever there was any to spare, which sometimes took several months.
By the time she turned 13, she was resigned from the care of the orphanage, and was left to fend for herself. Having already been cleaning for the local residents for several years, she was able to find work and pay just enough to sustain herself. The longer time went on, and as her size began to match that of those around her, the more people began to ignore her presence rather than find it an object of wariness. Eventually, she became nothing more than an afterthought in the background of people's lives. The local greenskin who cleans--- Lutine.
A few years passed before she found herself enough funds to travel afford more books. This lead to her encounter with the overseer of the Azure Order, and through conversation, Lutine showed an interest in books despite her basic literacy. She was then granted an offer: she would be allowed to become a resident and student of the order as long as she contributed any knowledge she gained during her studies. From there, her life took a turn for the better. She was given a place to sleep, food, and all the books she could hope to read. Furthermore, she was eventually even given a transcribing position, where she was to make copies of all books donated to its library. She had never felt so fulfilled.
A year later, she encountered the Overseer of the Azure Order, Errant. She marveled at the magical wonders he produced, and often would look to him for advice on various topics. One thing that bothered her, however, was his avoidant stance on assisting in places where he had the power to do so. In a heated moment, she had finally reached her wits end and told him that if he wasn't going to do anything where he could, then he should teach her the things that he can do so that she may do them in his place. After a brief moment, he said she will carry a new name: Keshiri Anhal'ir. What it means is between them, and only those who Anhal'ir deems worthy enough shall be told its meaning.
From then on, a cascade of terrible events occurred. Cities began to explode, freeze, flood, and collapse as the Naalka overran the continent. Barely escaping along with many others, they sailed to Vaelyn. Anhal'ir then began to focus more on Alchemia, study, and self improvement so she could support herself in this new land.
As soon as she could work, she was put to it. She'd spend her days cleaning facilities, gutters, and stables for the simplest of meals. That being said, she was very resourceful. She watched and listened as religious texts about the God of Honor and the Prothymía were read aloud, and began to put written words together. She inquired about words and letters in trade for her income whenever there was any to spare, which sometimes took several months.
By the time she turned 13, she was resigned from the care of the orphanage, and was left to fend for herself. Having already been cleaning for the local residents for several years, she was able to find work and pay just enough to sustain herself. The longer time went on, and as her size began to match that of those around her, the more people began to ignore her presence rather than find it an object of wariness. Eventually, she became nothing more than an afterthought in the background of people's lives. The local greenskin who cleans--- Lutine.
A few years passed before she found herself enough funds to travel afford more books. This lead to her encounter with the overseer of the Azure Order, and through conversation, Lutine showed an interest in books despite her basic literacy. She was then granted an offer: she would be allowed to become a resident and student of the order as long as she contributed any knowledge she gained during her studies. From there, her life took a turn for the better. She was given a place to sleep, food, and all the books she could hope to read. Furthermore, she was eventually even given a transcribing position, where she was to make copies of all books donated to its library. She had never felt so fulfilled.
A year later, she encountered the Overseer of the Azure Order, Errant. She marveled at the magical wonders he produced, and often would look to him for advice on various topics. One thing that bothered her, however, was his avoidant stance on assisting in places where he had the power to do so. In a heated moment, she had finally reached her wits end and told him that if he wasn't going to do anything where he could, then he should teach her the things that he can do so that she may do them in his place. After a brief moment, he said she will carry a new name: Keshiri Anhal'ir. What it means is between them, and only those who Anhal'ir deems worthy enough shall be told its meaning.
From then on, a cascade of terrible events occurred. Cities began to explode, freeze, flood, and collapse as the Naalka overran the continent. Barely escaping along with many others, they sailed to Vaelyn. Anhal'ir then began to focus more on Alchemia, study, and self improvement so she could support herself in this new land.
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