Massive update again. Can't really summarise, so have fun reading!
- 120 New Weapons Added! We wanted to expand our pool of available weapons and shields. This will also be craftable / obtainable mechanically when we integrate some of the more common ones into our blacksmithing plugin. Some of these include spears, pikes, flails, warhammers, and more uncommon sword types - as well as many more, too many to list. We will also be adding in an additional 120 weapons on top of these which will just be different material versions of the existing models (to support our other types of roleplay materials).
- Banking Readded! Some of you may be aware that banking was removed shortly after the last developer log. This was due to a very poorly optimised plugin that was hogging server resources unnecessarily. So, I then went on a search to find an alternative that offered what we wanted and didn't eat up the server like a buffet. Couldn't find one, so I made a basic one instead that works on our existing economy plugin. Let me know if you run into any bugs with this.
- Fishing Loot Updated. Fishing loot across all rarities and biomes has received a minor update. To follow with the new alchemy rework (available for view on the wiki), we added in a lot of the standard Minecraft ingredients for regular brewing, as regular brewing is now an applicable in-roleplay thing that aligns with the rework. Different biomes will yield different loot, keep that in mind!
- Archaeology Loot Updated. Similar to the fishing loot update, archaeology loot has also had a minor addition. One of the ingredients used in alchemy, that is not obtainable through fishing, is now obtainable through alchemy instead. It has a decently high rarity for the singular item, but you can get a geode which will give you 9 of it!
- Bandit PvE Gold Gain Increased. The bandit PvE zone has received a bit of an update. Some of the feedback I received on it expressed that it wasn't valuable time-wise to farm them. So, I have upped the gold gain on the bandits, with the larger brute bandit yielding the most gold range. This should help make the PvE element a valid gold source.
- Fixed MC Sleeping. Standard Minecraft sleeping was a bit janky. It gave some weird feedback, denying users from being able to sleep (which is desired) but had a weird workaround to do so. The process has been simplified now, so you can now no longer skip the night through sleeping and it shouldn't result in any strange interactions. This also means that you can now place interactables / signs on a bed by shift right-clicking the bed with a sign or interactable item.
- Fixed Bucket Duplication. The cooking system by default allowed an exploit where you could harvest buckets at an exceptionally low cost (compared to the bucket). Obviously this is not intended, so it was patched out. The fix (at the moment) is that it consumes the bucket. Once we rework the cooking recipes, there'll be recipes that will return the bucket without duplicating it through the output item.
- Fixed Rolling. You can now roll multiple dice, woo! By doing /roll XdY + Z, you can roll X amount of dice with Y sides, and have a + or - modifier of Z. You can do up to 10 dice at any one time. This should make things a lot easier for events.
- Fixed Gate Exploit. Not gamebreaking, but just not good. Players could flip the switches inside Manaan's gatehouses by bypassing the doors. It's been fixed (mostly). Although any further actions doing this will result in official warnings being handed out. It's not fun to lock people out from the city! If you want to play with the animated doors, just let us know instead!
Website / Lore:
- Spellcraft New Ability. Although Spellcraft casting and runes are getting a cheeky rework soon, I did release a fun update a while ago pertaining to an extra ability. You can now cast 'Household Magic' in Spellcraft, which is more or less a way for players to have creative freedom on more mundane magics and casting. You can sweep a room with a magical broom, or have a floating book and quill - it's up to your imagination. Although this cannot be used to gain significant or unfair advantages in combat / events.
- Transfiguration Additions. Another little update to Spellcraft was some new entries on Transfiguration. Mainly to do with how rune inscription works, a material cost associated with it, and how the Binding Rune applies to Transfiguration. If you are interested in Spellcraft-based enchanting, check it out!
- New Religion Section + Faith of the Primalweald. A new religion section has been added to the wiki, available under the 'Athon' category from the wiki homepage. Once you click on 'Religions of Athon', it will take you to another page which will list all of the current religions available in the world. If you have a religion and you would like to see it added, let us know! The first entry on there is the new Druid religion, the Faith of the Primalweald. It was fun to write, hope you guys like it.
- Alchemy Rework. Alchemy got a bit of a facelift. You can view it under Concepts > Alchemy on the wiki. There's a lot more detail to the process of alchemy, including the introduction of using standard Minecraft brewing stands to create more mechanical / PvE based potions and elixirs (but these can be used in roleplay as well!) This also comes with the addition of the 'Beginner's Alchemy' page which is available under the Alchemy article.
- New Languages Section + Fael Update. Similar to the religion section that was added, a languages section has been added as well under the Athon category from the wiki homepage. Then, you can click on 'Languages of Athon', which will show you a list of our languages (most of them still have to be added, keep an eye out for these!) In addition, Fael has been added onto the wiki. This will be the primary source of the languages as we move away from using the Google Docs. As well, MotherChai has helped add in a couple more Fael words.
- New Art Added. Lots of new art has been added to the wiki. I won't list all the pages affected, but when navigating around you should see more custom imagery rather than default images and blank space. It should hopefully look a bit better now!
- Tribes of Grol (Gnolls) NPC Faction Built. The primary settlement for the Tribes of Grol has been finished and fully implemented. You can find it in the world and interact with it (but be careful...) It took a while to do, but should be great for some upcoming eventlines.
- Manaan's Tavern Fell. "Andy, how'd you get there?" "I fell." The infamous words of the tavern, moments before it fell down a whole level in Manaan. All joking aside, we've moved the tavern to be from the first level of Manaan to the second level, rather than the second to the third. This should hopefully encourage more tavern-based roleplay as it's far more accessible than it was before. It also got a bit of a facelift.
- N/A.
Known Issues (Slowly getting through some of them...)
- The issue with show item still remains where if you show an item, there is a small period of time (a couple minutes) before you can show a different item. Struggling to fix this one. I have to recode the functionality directly into our existing chat system. So may take a lot longer than expected - but I am working on it!
- Issue still remains with pet renaming for certain pets. This only applies to a couple of them and is due to a name anchor. Will be fixed as soon as possible.