The purpose of this forum section is to help players facilitate group roleplay by providing a means of organizing the medieval stereotype: Houses. Prefixes are available to subclassify posts for Common Families and Noble Families, and an example template is outlined below for use or inspiration for a post. It is our experience that by providing this outlet for organization, players can create more meaningful and involved roleplay sequences, events, and achievements. Also, it may help new or existing players become active in roleplay and inspired to develop a character if they have a foundation as a member of a house or group.
A family post may be required for a Nobility Application if you are applying for a standard noble position. The minimum number of active family members is three. However, single character nobility is allowed in certain cases, and in such a case a family post is not required, however it is recommended. If you need assistance with this forum section or with a Nobility Application, reach out to the Story team.
Players may receive additional support and resources from Story if they have both a posted family and three or more active players as family members. Story assistance may include help with hosting events and involvement in roleplay sequences related to the server plot and lore development. If you meet the criteria above, you may also directly reach out to Story to pitch an idea or to request their assistance with something you are hosting.
Family Name/Surname
(Family Crest/Banner/Image)
(Theme Song)
Denomination: (explanation of origin of name, pronunciation)
Class: (common, noble, other)
Culture: (valgan, et cetera)
Religion: (exaltun, elyria, et cetera)
Politics: (liberal, conservative, anarchist, et cetera)
Holdings: (properties, businesses, titles)
Trades: (stoneworking, smithing, tanning, et cetera)
Wealth: (approximation of wealth)
Family Head: (who is in charge)
Inheritance Law: (who is next in line and how does it work)
Family Tree: (branching off from the current Family Head or a relevant ancestor)
Family History: (a synopsis or a long story about how the family came to be what it is today)
Recruitment: (specifications about how players can request to join your family)