Accepted Guild Application - The Re-Agents


Design Team
✦ Founder ✦
Basic Questions:
Why do you want to formalize a guild?

To provide a location and group for players to turn to when they need to learn or research Alkemia. More so, it will be a place where players can progress their story through Alkemia. Additionally, it will be a location where players can buy, sell, and trade Alkemia Ingredients.

What events or special roleplay do you foresee your guild participating in or hosting?
We plan to host teaching events for aspiring Alkemists, potion auctions, potion brewing events, and foraging quests by hiring mercs to protect us as we forage.

In what way(s) do you feel your guild can contribute to the city of Vaelyn or to the overarching server story?
We can provide an avenue for players and characters to learn Basic Alkemia, Advanced Alkemia, new recipes; and provide research towards new Alkemical discoveries that may be used to assist players in combat. We will also pursue new and lost techniques or potions.

Is your guild in conflict with any particular individual or group?

Guild Questions:
Guild Type:
Professional & Scholarly Guild
Guild Name: The Re-Agents
Organisation Post: ⍫ The Re-Agents ⍫
Guild Leader: Anhal'ir
Guild Members: Keshiri Anhal'ir, Erpetor Thundri, Gnari
Guild Allegiance/Politics: Independent. The Re-Agents remain separate from other institutional and commercial entities, though will support Vaelyn and its people when called upon. Additionally, members of The Re-Agents are barred from joining other groups, organizations, or affiliations that also deal in Alkemia to prevent a conflict of interests. Special exemptions to this rule may be made on a case by case basis.
Guild Associations (other guilds, persons of influence, et cetera): None

Guild Symbol/Colors:
Colors: Green and Dark Blue-Gray
Symbol: A simple green potion on a gun powder blue-gray background.

Guild Culture: The Re-Agents culture is a mix of many, not subscribing to a single one amongst its members. It is an inclusive guild that openly welcomes all perspectives so that it may have a broad worldview and more opportunities for improvement.
Guild Profession: Alkemists & Merchants
Guild Goals:
- To make profits from Alkemia.
- To teach others Alkemia.
- To unlock new recipes and uses for Alkemia.
- To support the people of Vaelyn through Alkemical brews and discoveries.
- Eventually, to mix Alkemia and Magic by working with other guilds.

Guild History Summary (300 word min.):
The very first iteration of an alchemical organization started in Manaan when Keshiri Anhal'ir purchased a clinic after learning about Alkemia from Keggar's Co. It was from that group of Shakh-Ta that she learned and honed the skills required to become an Advanced Alkemist, officially certifying her for her craft. From there, several new concoctions were made within that clinic and then presented for trade with the Night Market. While the clinic itself was lost during the fall of Manaan, Keshiri continued onwards to Vaelyn with the hope of continuing her craft.

Once there, she established a store in the Quint District known as The Green Ghathari. It was here that the pursuit of Alkemia thrived and Anhal'ir began to buy ingredients from the general population, driving a good portion of the economy forwards with those large quantities of ingredient purchases. Within The Green Ghathari, a few new creations were put together, including a concoction that would allow one to temporarily push past their normal mental limitations without suffering permanent side effects. Anhal'ir began to desire to spread her knowledge to others, so she put out an open offer to teach others should they desire to work along side her.

Before long, Anhal'ir was approached by a young elf named Erpetor Thundri who was curious to learn about the Alkemical arts. After asking of him his motivations she considered him as a student. The rules of working within The Green Ghathari were based around the understanding that all research was to be as humane as possible, and pushing too far into tests and subjects that could be detrimental to society as a whole was strictly prohibited. After accepting the terms, he was accepted as a student of Anhal'ir within the Green Ghathari. From there, a market stall was made to help advertise the sale of potions and the purchase of ingredients. It wasn't long before Anhal'ir was approached by another individual by the name of Gnari. This small Gharuuk agreed to the same terms as Erpetor and also became Anhal'ir's student for Advanced Alkemia.

It was then that Keshiri Anhal'ir decided to form The Re-Agents. The name "Re-Agents" is a catchy play on words leading to the motto: "We are Agents who make Reagents, ready to serve all your Alkemical needs!"
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Your request for [The Re-Agents] has been placed on pending as a Guild under the designation: Scholarly. This application requires the following:
Guild Benefits:​
  1. Selected Guild Hall: Please find a Guild Hall in the city and inform us as to the address you wish for the Re-Agents.

Please contact me on Discord (ser_mordryd) or ingame (SerMordred) if you have any issues or concerns!​

Your request for [The Re-Agents] has been placed on pending as a Guild under the designation: Scholarly. This application requires the following:
Guild Benefits:

Please contact me on Discord (ser_mordryd) or ingame (SerMordred) if you have any issues or concerns!​
Selected Guild Hall: Fellmere 1, Quint District

Your request for [The Re-Agents] has been approved as a Guild under the designation: Scholarly.
You have been assigned the Guild Hall addressed at: Fellmere 1.
Guild Benefits:​
  1. ST support when hosting medium-to-large scale events.
  2. ST support with NPCs on a case-by-case basis. If desired, reach out to Story to discuss NPC use.
  3. When the system is complete, you will be invited to participate in guild progression events.
Please be advised that the Guilds & Nobility system is very new and currently lacking much furbish or development. This, in time, will improve and as one of the initial participants in that system we invite you to provide active feedback and suggestions for approvement.

Please contact me on Discord (ser_mordryd) or ingame (SerMordred) if you have any issues or concerns!​
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