"I strive to rebuild what was lost...so my dear son can know no more fear of the black sea. I strive for my order to be firm and unyielding, a bulwark against the darkness.."
- Salem Ardent
AGE: 24
RACE: Human
SUBRACE: Irentharian
GENDER: Female
NICKNAMES: Knight-Commandant, Red
BUILD: Toned/Muscular shoulders and arms
HAIR: Long, and a vibrant red.
EYES: Dull Gold
FEATURES: Various burn marks, and what appears to be a lichtenberg like scar on the right side of her face.
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
DRESS: Usually seen in her Knight-Commandant armor, but can occasionally be seen in casual trousers and a shirt. Nothing fancy.
OCCUPATION: Smith, Knight-Commandant of the Knights of Salem
CLASS: Eldritch Knight
RELIGION: The Way of Illumination
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HP: 18 | MS: 9 | AC: +1 | TOX: 18
STR: 4 | CON: 3 | AGI: 1 | INT: -2
Tiers: 3/4
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo makes an Attack against a target moving out of their Attack Range.
Shove | Prime Action [Tier 0]No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo rolls opposing Str or Agi against a target within Melee range, pushing them back 3 Blocks upon success.
Overdrive | Passive [Tier 0]Initiative Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo loses 5 Health and gains a Prime, Swift, or Reaction that can be used at any time until the end of their next turn.
Note: During Events, it can be requests of ST to utilize this skill in different ways or by paying different costs, or even bypassing the cooldown for increased costs to allow a character to perform something with RP items or actions that otherwise might not be possible. This is your Plus Ultra moment, use it wisely.
Dual Wield | Passive [Tier 1]No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Agi | Weapon Requirements: Off-Hand Light Weapon
The Echo takes the Attack Action using their Off-Hand weapon, though does not apply Str or Agi Modifiers to damage.
Take the Hit | Reaction [Tier 1]4 Rounds | Attribute Requirements: 1 Con | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo reduces incoming damage by 1d2.
Brace | Reaction [Tier I]No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Str | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo uses their Agility Modifier instead of Intuition for their Defense Roll until the start of their next turn.
Racials Artistries:
- Inherent
- Athar’s Resolve: [Reaction]- The Athar draws upon their internal resolve to gain advantage on an Attack or Defensive Roll, before making the initial roll. [Cooldown] Once per Day.
- Born of Dawn: [Passive]- The Anthar is born from the rays of light, and gains +1 Dawn Resistance.
- Namer’s Sight: [Passive]- The Anthar can see in darkness as if it were dim light, and dim light as if it were full light up to 10 Blocks.
- Evolutions:
- Light’s Embrace:
- Whenever dealing damage, the Athar can choose to, as a [Swift Action] deal their damage as Dawn Damage instead.
- Light’s Embrace:
PERSONALITY: Assertive, but curious. Content to watch things before interacting. Less so cautious and more curious about what happens.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil
- Loyal
- Maternal
- Ambitous
- Religious Mania
- Vengeful
- Expanding her order.
- Worshiping.
- Smithing.
- Studying.
- Playing with her hair. Twirling it, gripping it, or letting it dangle in front of her eyes.
- Mumbling. Sometimes words, sometimes prayer.
ASPIRATIONS: Bring the glory of Irenthar back…perhaps even brave the Black Sea to reacquire the Cobalt Flame
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[To be Fleshed out from the fleeing of her homeland with her son!]
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Dionysius II [Knight-Innocent] | The appointed Knight-Innocent of the Knights of Salem. Born Damocles, these two go way back, and he has proven himself to be a trusted friend, knight, and confidant. Salem trusts him with even the most sensitive of information.
Unnamed Knight [Knight-Hellion] | The Appointed Knight-Hellion of the Order she leads, Salem trusts XXX as much as she does her Knight-Innocent. This trio together makes the foundation to the order she hopes to spread. Her Hellion will be pivotal in this endeavor, and thus her trust in him is a given. They too, go way back, from children to Order members.
Lady Shadow [Knight-Lord] | A loyal and upstanding Knight, she has earned favor with Salem through her devoted service to the order.
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