Knight-Commandant Salem Ardent


Story Team
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❖ Mythical ❖


"I strive to rebuild what was my dear son can know no more fear of the black sea. I strive for my order to be firm and unyielding, a bulwark against the darkness.."
- Salem Ardent

AGE: 24
RACE: Human
SUBRACE: Irentharian
GENDER: Female
NICKNAMES: Knight-Commandant, Red

BUILD: Toned/Muscular shoulders and arms
HAIR: Long, and a vibrant red.
EYES: Dull Gold
FEATURES: Various burn marks, and what appears to be a lichtenberg like scar on the right side of her face.

SEXUALITY: Pansexual
DRESS: Usually seen in her Knight-Commandant armor, but can occasionally be seen in casual trousers and a shirt. Nothing fancy.

OCCUPATION: Smith, Knight-Commandant of the Knights of Salem
CLASS: Eldritch Knight
RELIGION: The Way of Illumination


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HP: 18 | MS: 9 | AC: +1 | TOX: 18
STR: 4 | CON: 3 | AGI: 1 | INT: -2
Tiers: 3/4
Attack of Opportunity| Reaction [Tier 0]
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo makes an Attack against a target moving out of their Attack Range.​
Shove | Prime Action [Tier 0]
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo rolls opposing Str or Agi against a target within Melee range, pushing them back 3 Blocks upon success.​
Overdrive | Passive [Tier 0]
Initiative Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo loses 5 Health and gains a Prime, Swift, or Reaction that can be used at any time until the end of their next turn.​
Note: During Events, it can be requests of ST to utilize this skill in different ways or by paying different costs, or even bypassing the cooldown for increased costs to allow a character to perform something with RP items or actions that otherwise might not be possible. This is your Plus Ultra moment, use it wisely.​
Dual Wield | Passive [Tier 1]
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Agi | Weapon Requirements: Off-Hand Light Weapon
The Echo takes the Attack Action using their Off-Hand weapon, though does not apply Str or Agi Modifiers to damage.​
Take the Hit | Reaction [Tier 1]
4 Rounds | Attribute Requirements: 1 Con | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo reduces incoming damage by 1d2.​
Brace | Reaction [Tier I]
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Str | Weapon Requirements: None
The Echo uses their Agility Modifier instead of Intuition for their Defense Roll until the start of their next turn.​

Racials Artistries:
  • Inherent
    • Athar’s Resolve: [Reaction]- The Athar draws upon their internal resolve to gain advantage on an Attack or Defensive Roll, before making the initial roll. [Cooldown] Once per Day.
    • Born of Dawn: [Passive]- The Anthar is born from the rays of light, and gains +1 Dawn Resistance.
    • Namer’s Sight: [Passive]- The Anthar can see in darkness as if it were dim light, and dim light as if it were full light up to 10 Blocks.

  • Evolutions:
    • Light’s Embrace:
      • Whenever dealing damage, the Athar can choose to, as a [Swift Action] deal their damage as Dawn Damage instead.

PERSONALITY: Assertive, but curious. Content to watch things before interacting. Less so cautious and more curious about what happens.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

  • Loyal
  • Maternal
  • Ambitous
  • Religious Mania
  • Vengeful

  • Expanding her order.
  • Worshiping.
  • Smithing.
  • Studying.
  • Playing with her hair. Twirling it, gripping it, or letting it dangle in front of her eyes.
  • Mumbling. Sometimes words, sometimes prayer.

ASPIRATIONS: Bring the glory of Irenthar back…perhaps even brave the Black Sea to reacquire the Cobalt Flame


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[To be Fleshed out from the fleeing of her homeland with her son!]​


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Koios Ardent [Son] | Salem’s child from an unspoken relationship, currently he is four, and is often around his mother where she can watch and care for him. He is the joy of her life, and she is at her kindest when he is present to see how she handles various situations.
Dionysius II [Knight-Innocent] | The appointed Knight-Innocent of the Knights of Salem. Born Damocles, these two go way back, and he has proven himself to be a trusted friend, knight, and confidant. Salem trusts him with even the most sensitive of information.
Unnamed Knight [Knight-Hellion] | The Appointed Knight-Hellion of the Order she leads, Salem trusts XXX as much as she does her Knight-Innocent. This trio together makes the foundation to the order she hopes to spread. Her Hellion will be pivotal in this endeavor, and thus her trust in him is a given. They too, go way back, from children to Order members.
Lady Shadow [Knight-Lord] | A loyal and upstanding Knight, she has earned favor with Salem through her devoted service to the order.

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"For the Torchbearer!"
"All hail the Knight Commandant, the chosen of our lady." a faceless knight says, dipping his head in a low almost reverent bow
"May Lady Elyria's Light erupt from within any shadows you pass through." a concealed one spoke as they stepped out from a nearby alley.
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