Lucian Lovehart


Lucian Lovehart
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Culture/Subrace: Very


STR: -2 | CON: 2 | AGI: 3 | INT: 3 | HP: 18 | MS: 9 | TOX: 18

TierNameActionCooldownAttribute ReqsWeapon ReqsDescription
0Attack of OpportunityReactionNoneNoneNoneThe Echo makes an Attack against a target moving out of their Attack Range.

TierNameActionCooldownAttribute ReqsWeapon ReqsDescription
1EncourageSwift3 Rounds1 IntNoneThe Echo grants an ally within 2 Blocks the Bolstered I tag for one turn.

TierNameActionCooldownAttribute ReqsWeapon ReqsDescription
1Battle IntuitionSwift3 Rounds2 IntNoneThe Echo grants themselves Advantage on their next Attack Roll.

TierNameActionCooldownAttribute ReqsWeapon ReqsDescription
1Sweep the LegSwift5 Round Cooldown2 Str or AgiUnarmedThe Echo, following a successful attack with an Unarmed strike, knocks a target prone and deals 1d2 Damage. The target must spend a Swift Action to stand back up.

TierNameActionCooldownAttribute ReqsWeapon ReqsDescription
1Quick StepSwift4 Rounds1 AgiNoneThe Echo adds their +2 Movement this turn, and this movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.
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