Accepted Nobility Application: Aleksander Ilardi

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Single Noble Status Application

Which Nobility Type are you applying for?
Single Nobility Status - Aleksander is part of a written Noble House, though currently he is the only member. There are a small handful of others playing associates of the family, though not direct members, and are currently not playing due to IRL obligations.

Why do you want to roleplay a Noble Character?

The primary reason that I wish to roleplay as a Noble Character is that it is simply something that I have never done before. Throughout my nearly a century (Perhaps longer TBH) of MCRP I have never played a 'true' Noble character, or at the very least one that was welcomed and truly a part of a noble society. This character was created with the intention of filling this niche both on the server and on my own resume, and as such is something that I intend on taking seriously.

How do you feel you can best contribute to the overall story and roleplay quality by having a Noble Character?

Aleksander, and the Ilardi as a whole, are meant to be a noble house that provides morals, devout faith and overall sets an example for other nobles, aspiring nobles or just 'common folk'. He is meant to be the epitome of an indomitable spirit, having been beaten down and forgotten by many he used to call friends. He does not hold grudges and is only interested in making sure his families future is secure and that the Adranyi will continue to live on long after he is gone.

Do you intend on using your Noble Character to host events, participate in medium-to-large scale roleplay sequences, and/or to participate in business or guild roleplay?

When it is possible for me to do so, yes.

Approximately how active are you in roleplay on a weekly basis?

I am typically online and available for RP for approximately 10-15 hours a week, though if there are not others online that time is often allocated to general server work instead. Blasted be a late night PST player.

Character Questions:
Character Name: Aleksander Ilardi
Character Post: [Link]
Family Post: [Link]
Character Allegiance/Politics: Fairly liberal, Loyal to the ruling powers.
Character Faith: Currently unfinished Adranyi religion
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Character Associations: Former Duke of Raddusa (Adranyi Backstory), A Winery (Unnamed & waiting on return of previously mentioned family associate to reimplement on new map), Adranyi Church

Dynastic Questions:
Family Crest and/or Colors: See top of document.

Family Origin: Kingdom of Adra
Family Culture:
Family Trade (if applicable):
Former Ruling Class in Adra, Merchants, Vinters
Family Aspirations:

- To Secure a future for all Adranyi.
- To Restore the Ilardi name.
- Make that money.
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Congratulations, your application for nobility has been approved.

You have been approved under the Single Noble Status designation. This means that you will be expected to remain active and engaged in roleplay and the community on a consistent basis. Otherwise, your nobility may be removed in roleplay due to “absence.”

You have been granted the noble rank of Knight, a position within the ‘Nobility’ tier.
  • You are entitled to legal leniency for Low Crime violations.
  • You are entitled to the Ser/Ma’am form of address.
  • You are entitled to enjoy any ‘Noble Only’ areas of businesses or state buildings.
  • You are entitled to participate in the House of Peers when it is activated.
  • You are entitled to participate in sessions of court with the Voicari when invited.

You are entitled to the following general privileges:
  • Support from Story staff when hosting medium-to-large scale events.
  • An invitation to participate in a special progression system with Story when it is completed.
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