Rachel Spring



“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill




Credit for the Art goes to Drkav


Birth Name: Rachel Spring
Alias/Nicknames: -
Age: 26
Titles: -


Archetype: Artificer - Thrillseeker - Wanderer
Alignment: Somewhere between True Neutral and Chaotic Good
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual


Race: Half-Elf
Religion: None, Not interested
Homeland: Somewhere far away from Vaelyn...
Current Residence: Vaelyn
Voice Claim: Grace (Stray Gods)




Height: 6'6
Weight: 84kg
Complexion: Rachel is a tall woman with noticeable curves, well-toned thighs and belly, while she doesn't have a lot of buff muscle mass, she is definitely well-toned.
Eye Color: Light Blue


Hair Color: Fiery Red
Hair Style: Long, sometimes braided.
Scars: None, at the moment...
Clothing: Depending on the environment, but she prefers pants and shirts over dresses




Mental state: Happy and Hopeful!
Attitude: Rachel's a very easygoing person, she isn't one for formalities, and enjoys a good conversation. She's insightful and well-mannered when she needs to be
Intelligence: Very intelligent, Rachel's best quality is her mind, and she very much uses her to her advantage
Sociability: Rachel is sociable! She loves talking to people, especially those who she hasn't met before.





STR: -2 | CON: 0 | AGI: +3 | INT: +5
HP: 18/18 | Wards: 8/8 | TOX: 0/18 | SPD: 9 (+2)

Fighting Style: Rachel fights with calculating and brutal precision, she will seek to satiate her own thirst for thrill and to eliminate targets of priority in brutal, yet precise manners. She's someone who really shouldn't be trifled with.

Preferred Weapons: Swords, Crossbows and Magic
Additional Combat Possessions: Rachel does, in fact, have wands and conduits to cast magic with.


Athar’s Resolve: [Reaction]- The Athar draws upon their internal resolve to gain advantage on an Attack or Defensive Roll, before making the initial roll. [Cooldown] Once per Day.
Born of Flame: [Passive]- The et’Ata is born from the fires of the core, and gains +1 Pyre Resistance.
Namer’s Sight: [Passive]- The Athar can see in darkness as if it were dim light, and dim light as if it were fully lit up to 10 Blocks.

Brilliant Pyre: The et’Ata gains the Flaming Soul Tag.
Flaming Soul- At the start of Initiative embers dance around you, and for 3 Rounds all targets you select take 1 Damage.



Tier 0 - Attack of Opportunity | Reaction
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
Fools are the ones who believe that an action won't have an equal reaction. Punish their hubris.
  • The Echo makes an Attack against a target moving out of their Attack Range.​
Tier 0 - Overdrive | Passive
Initiative Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
You dig deep and push past your normal limits, forcing your body to act when you otherwise could not.
  • The Echo loses 5 Health and gains a Prime, Swift, or Reaction that can be used at any time until the end of their next turn.​
    • Note: During Events, it can be requests of ST to utilize this skill in different ways or by paying different costs, or even bypassing the cooldown for increased costs to allow a character to perform something with RP items or actions that otherwise might not be possible. This is your Plus Ultra moment, use it wisely.
Tier 0 - Shove | Prime Action
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
Sometimes, there is such a thing as too close...
  • The Echo rolls opposing Str or Agi against a target within Melee range, pushing them back 3 Blocks upon success.​
Tier 1 - Tactician | Passive
6 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 4 Intuition | Weapon Requirements: None
Sometimes one needs to take a moment to think, stop and consider their options, Tacticians not always are the ones who move fastest, but rather those who make every step count...
  • The Echo consumes all of their Movement to gain an additional Swift Action until the end of their turn. The Echo cannot use this if they have already used any of their Movement this turn.​
Tier 1 - Dual Wield | Swift Action
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Agility | Weapon Requirements: Off-Hand Light Weapon & No Heavy Weapons
The greatest fencers are the ones who know that what they have in their hand is not two weapons, but rather two tools at their disposal. Two new angles of attack, or perhaps, two new ways to defend oneself...
  • The Echo takes the Attack Action using their Off-Hand weapon, though does not apply Str or Agi Modifiers.​
Tier 1 - Blood of Fractal | Reaction
5 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 2 Agility or Intuition | Weapon Requirements: None
Like Broken Mirrors, shattered in millions of pieces that reflect the light amongst each other... it is a mesmerizing sight. Perhaps even somewhat distracting...
  • The Echo adds 1d3+1 to their Defense Roll.​
Tier 1 - Battle Intuition | Swift Action
3 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 2 Intuition | Weapon Requirements: None
It only takes a brief moment for one to recognize a gap in their foe's defense. And it only takes another just to exploit such...
  • The Echo grants themselves Advantage on their next Attack Roll.​

Sygaldry (Tier 3, Expert):
Runes Known:
Hwaeran (Thermal)
Cyflym (Kinetic)
Diddymu (Dispel)
Anhrefn (Chaos)
Oeri (Freezing)
Lēoht (Light)
Rhwymol (Binding)
Meddylig (Mind)
Sonisk (Sound)

Flesh Scribing:
Marked by the Sygaldric Symbols that tie her to the Meridian, this sorceress has the following Boons:

Diddymu (Dispel): Twin Evocation - (Passive) Maelstroms of essence undulate beneath the flesh, eager to spill forth. The caster taps into this storm, and is able to cast one-word spells as a bonus action.

Cyflym (Kinetic): Endowed Spirit - (Passive) So attuned has the caster's self become to the raw essence permeating within the world, that they now serve as a beacon. Essence is passively attracted to the caster. They can now restore (2 word) spell slots every (4) rounds and have infinite (1 word) spells. Their arcane aura visible and pungent to all those Attuned to the Meridian or sharing similar feats.

Anhrefn (Chaos): Warpfold - (Bonus Action) The caster may loudly envelop themselves within space and time to reappear at a distance, within line of sight, of no more than the standard MS range (9). This movement will bypass attacks of opportunity and ignore vaulting / climbing MS requirements.

And with so, she suffers the following Banes:
Bound to the Meridian: The body of the Spellcrafter has become bound to the primalstream of Athon. Their very lifeforce entwined with the foreign essence that has taken full hold of its host. The character is now permanently locked to Spellcraft and will be permanently killed if pursuing another magic or releasing enough essence from their body.

Crawling Skin and Dancing Hairs: The body exhibits a profound level of discomfort. The caster’s hair standing at edge for no apparent reason. Their own flesh feeling foreign and unnatural. They would find themselves physically unable to wear much more than thin or fine fabrics and cloth. They cannot wear armor unless of arcane origin.

Frailty of the Flesh: Deep within, raw essence courses through the veins of the fleshscribed. Their blood now blackened like tar. Their skin now a pale form of what once was. Their veins a shimmer of azure and violet; an iridescent, dull glow notable should it not be concealed. Their eyes illumined with essence. As a result of their innate aura, they must declare themselves a fleshscribed Spellcrafter to those Attuned to the Meridian (other Spellcrafters or Thaumaturges) and those of Spirits (Mystics and Druids).



Equipment Slot
Item Name Description
Item Mechanics
Main Hand

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