Nobility Types:
- Family Noble Status
(1.) The primary applicant receives a landed noble title. All other family members are classified as Gentry.
- Single Noble Status
(1.) The primary applicant receives a landed or other noble title.
Overarching Nobility Perks:
- Story team support for hosting medium-to-large scale events.
- Advanced roleplay opportunities including:
(1.) Roleplaying as a member of the House of Peers. Influencing Vaelyn laws.
(2.) Roleplaying with other nobles, government officials, the Voicari Council, and the Undercrown.
(3.) Roleplaying in private or special events otherwise restricted to nobles and other senior government officials.
(4.) Roleplaying a character that receives a special legal-social status, including certain law exemptions.
- Opportunities to be involved in a CK/D&D style progression system, including receiving special event sequences unique to your family.
Note: This system is a work-in-progress.
In-Character Nobility Perks:Divine Nobility:
- Immune to Low and Moderate Crime violations. Immune to Magic Use and Brandishing regulations.
- Immune from civil prosecution.
- Ability to bypass and refuse all searches, seizures, and questioning attempted by anyone other than the Undercrown (or someone acting on their authority).
- Ability to carry/brandish any weapon and armour for self-defence.
Consular Nobility:
- Law enforcers are required to be lenient with Low Crime violations.
- Ability to bypass protected zone checkpoints during ingress or egress.
- Ability to carry/brandish a shortsword or dagger for self-defence.
Capital Nobility:
- Law enforcers are required to be lenient with Low and Moderate Crime violations.
- Ability to bypass protected zone checkpoints during ingress or egress.
- Ability to carry/brandish a shortsword or dagger for self-defence.
- Law enforcers are required to be lenient with Low Crime violations.
Nobility Requirements:
- You have a posted Character Sheet.
(a.) Your Character Sheet must have a backstory that is at least 4-6 sentences in length.
- You actively roleplay and interact with the community. You have been a member for 2+ weeks.
- You are in good standing with Moderation. Recent warnings or bans may result in denial.
- One of the following applies:
(a.) You have a posted family and 3+ active family members (including yourself).
(b.) You are applying for single noble status. You will be held to a higher standard of quality and activity.
Nobility Application:Basic Questions:
Which Nobility Type are you applying for?
Why do you want to roleplay a Noble Character?
How do you feel you can best contribute to the overall story and roleplay quality by having a Noble Character?
Do you intend on using your Noble Character to host events, participate in medium-to-large scale roleplay sequences, and/or to participate in business or guild roleplay?
Approximately how active are you in roleplay on a weekly basis?
Character Questions:
Character Name: (full legal or public name)
Character Post: (link)
Family Post (if applicable): (link)
Character Allegiance/Politics: (liberal, conservative, anarchist, et cetera)
Character Faith: (exaltun, elyria, et cetera)
Character Alignment: (good, evil, neutral, et cetera)
Character Associations (guilds, businesses, groups, et cetera): (list them)
Players applying for Single Noble Status are not required to answer the 'Dynastic Questions'.
Dynastic Questions:
Family Crest and/or Colors: (image or description)
Family Origin: (basic description or location name)
Family Culture: (valgan, manaanite, et cetera)
Family Trade (if applicable): (list trades/occupations)
Family Aspirations: (list them)
Family History Summary (min. 300 words):
Family Backstory (optional, but recommended):
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