The Concord of the Elsarian Confederation




A map of the realm, under the behest of the Benefactor, circa 122 A.C.



At the behest and in accordance with the Supreme will, the Benefactor;
the realms of Elsar shall enter into permanent cooperative union.

This union shall act as the highest executor of law and command upon the frontier lands,
for the preservation of peace and order. This concord shall establish the essential edict
by which this confederation shall be governed as the executive hierarchy,
with considerations to the local autonomy of each member of said confederation.

The wills of the rulers of Elsar have been subjugated by the Benefactor.
It is by their Will that power be reshuffled and organized for the perpetuation of order.

Hail unto the Benefactor, uniter of Elsar.



At the allowance of the Supreme will, the Benefactor;
the lands comprising all civilized reaches shall be divided according to established rulers. Thus this concord establishes three counties that shall form The Elsarian Confederation.

Each county shall be under the complete authority of their ruling house.
The establishment of each county’s system of governance is left to their ruling houses.
Each House shall govern their own land and shall not command authority over any other.
Only within the High Elsarian council, comprised of the houses,
shall overarching authority be granted by The Supreme Will.

Treaty and trade may be independently negotiated
by the Grand Houses outside of the High Elsarian council;
such deals are subject to overriding only by a council vote.

At the behest of the Benefactor,
the three Grand Houses to be granted title and authority
and command over their respective countries are established as;

The Grand House of Ironcrow
The title of Count of Falkenstein is granted henceforth at the behest of the Benefactor
to His grace, Aleister Ironcrow. The County of Falkenstein is defined as the icy lands
and Deep waters surrounding the far north western peninsula of Elsar.

The title is to remain hereditary to the eldest son.
In absence of a blood heir, Count Ironcrow shall elect a successor.

The Grand House of Feslya
The title of Countess of Lunthorpe is granted henceforth at the behest of the Benefactor
to Her grace, Callista Feslya. The County of Lunthorpe is defined as the valleys
and lands between the Manaan heights and central continental spine.

The title is to remain hereditary to the eldest son.
In absence of a blood heir, Countess Fesyla shall elect a successor.

The Grand House of Verrador
The title of Count of Manaan is granted henceforth at the behest of the Benefactor
to His grace, Sine Verrador. The County of Manaan is defined as the coastal lands
about the Manaan heights and to the immediate east and west of those heights.

The title is to remain hereditary to the eldest son.
In absence of a blood heir, Count Verrador shall elect a successor.



The Benefactor shall remain supreme and sole authority
in all lands of the confederation. It is their Will that their presence remain unnecessary for functions of the state. Thus, authority has been granted to govern
the whole of the lands by majority vote within the noble council of Elsar.
At the behest of the Benefactor, the council shall be composed of
the three heads of the Grand Houses of Elsar and their barons.

Each head of House must select an individual to grant titleage as Baron,
allocating to them a sum of land within their own territory to lord over.
These barons shall remain completely at the behest of their county’s ruling House.

This shall form a six noble persons council,
by which all overarching law, tax, and rally shall be ordained across Elsar.
The law of the council will always overrule the individual ordinance of county law.
All other authorities are given toward the individual counties and their governance.

The council shall minimally meet every two moons,
but may be freely summoned by any High councilor at any hour.
The council should alternate meeting places between each county,
no county shall host any form of meeting twice consecutively.
If a tie is to occur within the council, then the vote shall be repeated
excluding the lesser barons and only including the Grand Houses.

Additional barons may be appointed and given seat on the council,
but only given lordship over new lands unincorporated and outside the lands
of the three counties. These barons must be appointed
by majority vote on the High Elsarian Council.



Each county and Grand House shall have authority to establish
an independent guard force, mobilized or dispersed at the whim of their ruling noble.
Each independent guard shall be mobilized into the central soldiery of
the Confederation in the event of war or grand conflict.
Each Guard force will have authority to enforce the local law
of their county exclusively within their county’s land.

Extradition of criminals must be negotiated between respective noble houses.
The enforcement of confederation wide law can be done by
any recognized guardsman within any land.
The army of the confederation is to remain demobilized
and comprised of the combined local guard of each Grand House.

The council shall appoint a High Commander of the army whom shall act to secure resources and training of all recognized guardsmen within the confederation.
This commander shall only have authority over the local guard during
mobilizations and training. Outside of which, authority returns exclusively to
the respective Grand Houses.

The Crimson Legion as witness and hand of the Supreme will, the Benefactor,
shall be allowed to freely roam, enforce, and act upon any individual.
In such manner, it is also the responsibility of the Crimson legion to
dispel with all enemies of the Benefactor and actors of Chaos.

Additionally; it is the legion whom must maintain the communication of the Benefactor’s will with The High Elsarian council and the Grand Houses.
As the highest practitioners of Order it is the Legion’s purpose to
dissuade any who attempt to question the authority of the Benefactor,
the High Elsarian council, and the heads of the Grand houses.


At the behest of the Benefactor, the three rulers of Elsar are instructed to sign this Concord
to finalize the proclamation of all priorly established rulings, of which include;
the Elsarian Confederation, the Grand Houses, and their respective Realms.

In perpetuity, order shall henceforth be culminated under the authority of
the Supreme Will.

The signature of His grace, Count of Falkenstein, Aleister Ironcrow;

The signature of Her grace, Countess of Lunthorpe, Callista Fesyla;

The signature of His grace, Count of Manaan, Sine Verrador;

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