With the welcomed repopulation of New Sansretour comes the implementation of law and a defined standard of etiquette. Be it for the average individual or the budding noble- each and every one is expected to adhere to these laws set in place by the Grand Duchess and her Administration. Equally, written etiquette follows closeby in importance, to ensure that those residing in New Sansretour represent the settlement to the best of their ability.
I - On Crime and Criminals
II - On Property and Residence
III - On Taxes, Payment and Eviction
IV - On Expectations of the Resident
V - On Religious Beliefs
VI - On Contributions
VII - On Expectations of Nobility
VIII - On Proactiveness
IX - On Preserving the Culture of New Sansretour
I - ON CRIME AND CRIMINALSCrime is defined as an act which goes against the wellbeing of New Sansretour, its Grand Duchess, its Nobility, its Residents or its land.
Crime stretches from assault of another, to arson of a building, to damage to the land and so on. The term ranges widely, and the incident will be deemed a crime at the time of such.
Criminal charges will be laid upon the individual depending on the severity of their act. It is left to the Grand Duchess to instill just punishment be it imprisonment, banishment, compensation or death.
A resident of New Sansretour is extended the right to rent a property on a half-yearly (weekly) basis. These properties, as defined below, are available in three tiers.
A property owner must not, under any circumstances, expand the property unless express permission is given by the Grand Duchess.
A property owner must not alter the outer appearance of the property.
A property owner may decorate the interior of their home as they please.
Animals other than domesticated pets must not be stored within a home. Horses and other mounts must be stored within the stables.
Tier 3 homes are reserved for families or nobility. Tier 1 and 2 homes are available for individuals.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in criminal charges or eviction.
Taxes will be levied against property owned by an individual, and will secure said property for each recurring half-year (week) unless otherwise removed by the Grand Duchess due to an incident or crime .
The structure of cost follows as such:
(Half-year refers to one irl week)
Tier 1 - 35 Gold Per Half-Year
Tier 2 - 65 Gold Per Half-Year
Tier 3 - 80 Gold Per Half-Year
This cost is to be paid within the Taxation Office, located within the central plaza of New Sansretour.
Failure to pay the cost charged against the property will begin the eviction process.
One missed payment will result in the first notice being posted at the residence. [1 week missed]
Two missed payments will result in the second notice being posted at the residence. [2 weeks missed]
Three missed payments will result in the removal of any locks, and the eviction of the property. [3 weeks missed]
At this stage, all belongings left behind will be removed by the Tax Officer and absorbed by the state.
Two notices will be placed at the property over a two week period, to ensure the player has ample time to log in and check. Items stored in a house which is evicted will be up for grabs. If the player is unable to log in for an extended period of time, it’s suggested that you reach out to Azula!
These evictions will follow the server rules and expectations of eviction with a minimum of 7 days inactivity before the process begins.
IV - ON EXPECTATIONS OF THE RESIDENTEvery resident of New Sansretour is expected to contribute to its growth. By what means will rely on the individual to define. New Sansretour and its culture aim high- and it is demanded of each and every resident to take part in its society.
Residents are expected to uphold the written laws of New Sansretour.
Residents must remain neutral in political alignment.
Residents must not harbor criminals of any state. If found to be in breach of this law, punishment will be levied by the Grand Duchess.
To ensure that New Sansretour maintains an equal level of trust, understanding and compassion between its residents, it is expected that each who willingly chooses to take residence, should follow the religious teachings of The God of Honor and the Prothymía.
Financial, material and overall economical contributions are encouraged to the state. These may be in the form of gold, resources such as iron or the act of merchanting between settlements. Equally, these may also be less direct, such as written content donated to the library or artwork to aid in the creation of a gallery.
Residents are expected to make use of their skills, talents and interests to help benefit New Sansretour.
VII - ON EXPECTATIONS OF NOBILITYThe nobility of New Sansretour holds a highly sought after and powerful position within its society. It commands a level of respect that the average resident does not. With this, however, come more strict expectations.
Alongside the listed above expectations, the following laws apply to nobility of any rank.
The noble house must follow the religious path as stated above in [V].
Nobility must make every effort to build on, and expand New Sansretour’s culture and position within the land.
Nobility are expected to offer contributions as listed in [VI].
Nobility should take an active role in the neutral standing of New Sansretour. They must, whilst in any other settlement, act in the best interests of their home nation. They must not, under any circumstances, instigate anything which may result in the negative view of New Sansretour. Doing so may result in demotion of title or further punishment.
Nobility of the settlement are expected to be proactive in their daily lives. This extends to, but is not limited to the following:
The nobility of New Sansretour should strive to learn and to better themselves and their house. They should consistently keep the mind active, keep their wits keen, and keep their gaze ahead to their goals.
A level of refinement is demanded of the Nobility of the settlement. Particularly whilst within other nations, they should strive to leave a lasting impression. One of demure and respect.
As stated above, Nobility should seek to support The Grand Duchess and New Sansretour at every possible moment.
As New Sansretour develops and evolves, so will its culture. The Grand Duchess stands as the pillar of this, and should be echoed at every possible step.
Her history and family culture should be honored and expanded from within the settlement, and should be ingrained to the noble houses.
When not at their home settlement, Nobility are expected to follow the guidelines and laws above to ensure that the culture is correctly shared and equally, preserved.
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