“They came from the storm of the Black Sea… beset by horrors. They strove to break through with nothing but their own will… and a faith that kept the darkness at bay.”
-Unknown Sailor
Theme Music
The infancy of Irenthar was defined by constant war. A state of interregnum besieged the whole of the isle since the fall of the precursor lords. The entirety of the land, from the shadowy depths of its vallies to the snow-capped peaks of its many mountains, suffered from an immensity of bloodshed and destruction. The coup de grace that shattered the supporting structure of the last king caused the nation-state to fracture into dozens of independent city-states and loosely organised counties individually vying to consolidate power. All refused diplomacy, even in its simplest forms, and were deaf to the cries of the denizens who suffered most under the reign of dictators and pretenders.
For a decade the slate of rulership was devoid of a single legitimate thread. It wasn’t until a young man of unparalleled charisma arose from within the serpent’s den of the court of Blaast. He was battle-tested and popular with the army, silver-tongued and adept with nobles, and armed with a zeal the likes of which Irenthar had never seen before. He was called Pádraig, but the riders he carried into battle called him ‘The Beacon,’ a reference to the solar light exuded by his holy blade whenever it struck down an enemy in battle. Single-handedly he led his armies in war, hopping from tribe to tribe and fort to fort until the regions of the west bowed to his name. From there, he declared Total War and offered a single olive branch to every enemy who stood before him: Kneel and be welcomed, or die. In six years he reunited all of Irenthar.
A renaissance of four generations followed Pádraig’s victory. It is said his victory was trumpeted by the presence of the Cobalt Flame, the image of his idol, Elyria. For this reason, the reign of his successors is called the Rule of The Flame and is remarkable for the volumes of art, literature, architecture, and festivals that were a direct result of their governance. Scholars have remarked that the peace and prosperity of this era was reminiscent to the age of the precursor lords, but what is certain is that paramount importance was placed upon the new church, Pádraig’s faith in the Lady of Light to whom was given total responsibility for the tribal unification that heralded a cessation of immense suffering. She was his saviour and his patron, and her word was spread to all of his followers, including his knights who carried her banners and masked their faces.
A golden basilica was constructed in the capital square over the ruins of the ancient temple of myths, and in every major city and town cathedrals and religious altar-sites were built in praise of Elyria. Her image was produced en masse in the form of statues, paintings, and toys for children, and her name was chiselled in praise at war memorials, festivals, and over dinner with the family. By the turn of the century, faith in her was estimated at nine tenths of the population, with active enforcement of the faith in the hands of the faithful without the request of the law–her word was the courageous word, the only word, and all others were shuddered to footnotes in history books.
The Age of Cataclysm was heralded first by outsiders. Visiting traders shared whispers and were met with immense scepticism. It wasn’t until the Innocent Erasi through a vision from Elyria confirmed the churning tides of reality that widespread panic captured the hearts of the nation-state. It was subtle at first, coming as distant rumbling and frequent storms, but took full effect when the oceans, once a deep azure blue, darkened to a viscous pitch black. Then, it came as disease and corrupted crops. Starvation ensued as people dropped dead in the streets. The King declared a plan of escape and ordered his generals to drive their citizens towards the shores, boarding what ships remained with no preference given–his values were set on saving the most people, noble or common.
Unfortunately, the king’s ambition was futile. As hellfire rained down from the skies, the ground shook and was torn asunder, consuming entire towns into an abyssal maw. Seaside structures were pulled into the depths of the black sea by tentacles of waves as rabid animals assaulted fleeing townsfolk. It was alone by the will of Elyria that anyone from Irenthar lived. Survivors from across the isle reported that the sky split and betwixt the black clouds a ray of light with the intensity of the sun cut through like a divine calling. It chartered a path that the gathered few still breathing abided, running for their lives to the destination, the shore, and by divine intervention a grand man-o-war bearing Irenthar’s flags awaited them. The Princess Salem Ardent and her son joined the escaping party. The King is assumed to have perished in the black sea when Irenthar finally sunk forever into the depths.
“Our helmets carry a halo that burns in perpetuity with the light of Her star. The shadow of Her divine blaze is the breathing mania of righteous retribution. It seeks out evil with the resolute prejudice of a starving hound.”
- Innocent Dionysius II
“Our helmets carry a halo that burns in perpetuity with the light of Her star. The shadow of Her divine blaze is the breathing mania of righteous retribution. It seeks out evil with the resolute prejudice of a starving hound.”
- Innocent Dionysius II
Elyria, the Lady of Light, Voice of Judgement, and goddess of courage, perseverance, and the sun. She is the illumination of divine power on the mortal mind, propelling the
Once the patron goddess of sunken Irenthar, Elyria is kept alive and burning in the hearts of her zealous followers via the Knights of Salem, composed of some of the survivors from the Cataclysm. Her church, dragged to the depths of the black sea, was swallowed by the order and reorganised into the Branch of Apostles, headed by the Innocent who acts her voice and her will on the mortal world.
Although generally considered to be compassionate and contemplative, Elyria is viewed as an extremely powerful goddess worthy of all manner of worship, reverence, prayer, and obedience. As such, her priesthood has created a set of basic tenants that represent her will:
- Be brave in the face of danger. Stand strong against the voice of despair picking at the back of your mind.
- Vanquish your enemies completely. Cultivate ruthlessness when facing off against the darkness.
- Practise absolute loyalty to your allies, confidants, and friends. Never betray trust.
- Spread light to the unenlightened. Carry Elyria with you wherever you go. Do not associate with heretics.
The followers of Elyria recognise certain religious holy days. Although some are borne of secular events, the theocratic nature of sunken Irenthar has led to their integration into the celebrations of her perpetual followers.
- Elyria’s Day
- Remembrance Day (in honour of sunken Irenthar)
- Pádraig’s Victory Day
- King Julian’s Day (in honour of Salem’s father)
Once the elite guardians of the culture of Irenthar and the servants of the Lady of Light, the Knights today are a highly skilled and deeply loyal band of soldiers in service of the Commandant and by extension the Knight-Triarchs. They are dedicated to staunchly upholding the values of their homeland and their zealous belief in Elyria whilst searching for their place in their new home.
THE CUSTODES TRINITASOnce the elite guardians of the culture of Irenthar and the servants of the Lady of Light, the Knights today are a highly skilled and deeply loyal band of soldiers in service of the Commandant and by extension the Knight-Triarchs. They are dedicated to staunchly upholding the values of their homeland and their zealous belief in Elyria whilst searching for their place in their new home.
A council of three who serve as the leaders of the Knights. Although the Commandant is the de jure sovereign of the order, she willingly delegates her authority amongst the trio to ensure smooth operation of all order activities. However, she retains the authority to countermand both the Innocent and Hellion, and to issue orders to order members in other branches.

Knight-Triarch of the Order of Blades.
- Her Highness, Salem Ardent @SerMerlinAlteria
Knight-Triarch of the Order of Apostles.
- His Holiness, Dionysius II @cafekharel
Knight-Triarch of the Order of Masks.
- Their Eminence, (redacted) @GalahadN7
The Knights are subdivided into three branches: Blades, Apostles, and Masks. Each answers directly to a Knight-Triarch who serves as its leader.
Order of Blades
The militant and primary arm of the Knights, responsible for their central focus: destroying the darkness. They also handle mercenary contracts to generate additional income, defend the order headquarters, and carry out tasks to assist the Commandant.
Order of Apostles
The new ecclesiarchy of Elyria, a combination sect of the former Church of Elyria from sunken Irenthar and the religious arm of the Knights. They handle all clerical matters, including service, preaching, hunting heretics, and carrying out holy mandates.
Order of Masks
A blend of internal affairs and an order of spies, responsible for rooting out corruption in the order, gathering information, keeping tabs on allies and enemies, and conducting other obfuscated operations for the Hellion.
The Knights are organised into four rank tiers that denote authority and responsibility, and imply reliability and knowledge. New members are not considered Knights and thus are referred to as Neophytes until they complete The Trials to earn a full position.

One of the three Custodes Trinitas, leaders of the order and heads of the branches, respectively. Their order is law, and the Commandant’s order is divine law. Only a Knight-Triarch may pass a Neophyte in The Trials and promote them to Knight. Only a Knight-Triarch may dismiss an order member.
A senior order member and lieutenant to a Knight-Triarch. These Knights have the authority to lead parties, acquire new contracts and operations, discipline disorderly members, recruit Neophytes, conduct training, and appoint Knight-Scythians. Referred to as ‘Lord’ or ‘Lady.’
A full order member. Referred to as ‘Ser’ or ‘Dame.’
A trainee member testing their mettle in The Trials.
An affiliate member of the order, attached to a Branch as an indefinite contractor. They are considered equivalent to a Knight. Referred to as 'Operator.'
- Knight-Lord 'The Shadow', Order of Masks @Extraplanar
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