"Oi'd luv 'n ale, aye. Oi drink, aye. Oi smok, aye. Buh oi tak'n as'n umbrelleh 'gainst deh rains." He gestured up, then down, and then at himself. "Oi tak'n so oi 'ken breathe."
-Ahmuzen Kaffee, speaking to Utticus Hoighwoind
Theme Music

AGE: 30
RACE: Dwumar
CULTURE: Haldrekkan
HEIGHT: 4' 0"
BUILD: Brawny/Stout
HAIR: Caramel-Brown, Curly
EYES: Ice-Blue
⋗ Baritone, Raspy Voice
⋗ Calloused Hands
⋗ Massive Scar, Left Eye
⋗ Casual: Loose/full cuts, long trousers, boots
⋗ Formal: Long dark colour robes, shirts, and trousers, boots, ascots
⋗ War: Heavy armour, shield
OCCUPATION: Tailor, Furrier
⋗ Clan Father (Clan Kaffee)
RELIGION:⋗ Way of the Depths
⋗ Unwedded
STR: 1 | CON: 3 | AGI: -1 | INT: 3 | HP: 24 | MS: 8
Parry - Reaction
- An enhanced defense reaction roll, exposing your attacker. The melee attacker must roll with disadvantage when attacking you.
- 3 round cooldown.
- (Light, Medium melee weapons)
- Requires 1 in STR or AGI.
- As a reaction, block a given amount of force.
- Blocks 1d2+2 damage.
- 3 round cooldown.
- (Shields)
- Requires 1 CON.
- As an action, raise your shield for an indefinite period.
- Grants you an additional +5 AC until lowered or the AC is broken.
- Cannot attack and MS is halved while using this technique, but can protect someone behind you.
- 4 round cooldown upon lowering / broken technique AC.
- (Shields)
- Requires 3 CON.
- You calculate your next moves against oncoming attacks. You can consume your next turn’s reaction to utilise two reactions this turn.
- 5 round cooldown.
- (Any weapons)
- Requires 3 INT.

⋗ Diligent
⋗ Patient
⋗ Absent-Minded
⋗ Zealous
⋗ Stubborn
⋗ Secretive
⋗ Schizophrenic
⋗ Karkinos
⋗ Tailoring-crafts; Clothing design; Sales and financials
⋗ Exploring nature; Camping; Swimming
⋗ Attending cultural events; Viewing art exhibits
⋗ Cultivating friendships; Conversation and debate
⋗ Massaging his facial scar
⋗ Twirling his curly hair
⋗ Ruminating, lost in thought/daydreaming
⋗ Coughing fits/clearing throat
⋗ Smoking tobacco; Drinking alcohol
⋗ Founding a new home for Clan Kaffee
⋗ Establishing a successful business
⋗ Developing close friendships
⋗ Achieving nobility to honour his Clan

Ahmuzen was born the first child and son in the voidscorched depths of the Mountainhome Ovtulk, tucked away deep in a valley forest blanketed by snow, to Ollin and Seti. His arrival into the world was marked by a flailing, animalistic cry of such drama as to elicit the laughter of his mother’s attendants. And once he finally finished weeping and settled into Seti’s arms, two great blue marbles stared up with an enormity of love hitherto unmatched, and it was said Ahmuzen embraced his mother like a long lost friend, bonding their souls forever.
The succeeding months were marked by frequent turbulence in the Kaffee household. Ahmuzen shook the walls of their middle-class longhouse with his tears and thunderous cries, begging for attention at sporadic hours of the day. In every event, only his mother could quell his worries and restore him to calm. He first rejected toys and preferred to gaze out of the front windows at the market across the road, watching the working folk and moving goods. He was often arrested by the rainbow of coloured tarps, banners, and flags posted at every stall and cart.
Ahmuzen was a shy child. His first friendships were with his kinsfolk. First, his twin siblings, his first brother and sister, and second, those few of his many cousins whose tendencies were to tip-toe and speak softly. A family tradition grew around Ahmuzen’s amusing antics at gatherings, where he would be found dozing in shadowy corners or under thick blankets. Ahmuzen’s more boisterous relatives would wake him and mock him, teasing him to tears, but always his brothers and sisters would be there to stain their palms with his weeping and save him.
This pattern of behaviour evolved into the years of his early education. Siblings were replaced by parents and liberation by compassionate guidance. Ollin had a direct hand in Ahmuzen’s tuition, adopting him into the tradition of coatmaking and tailoring that the Kaffee name had carried for four centuries. The quiet and focused environment of a tailor’s shop appealed to the young boy; His brain was comfortingly seized by the soft ecru hue of the tabletop, the glass heads of the pins, the colours of the threads, and the clear direction of the process of building a garment.
However, much to Ahmuzen’s vexation his father did not allow him to devolve into a creature at the back of the house. Rather, he was forced to be an accompaniment on buying and trade trips, meetings with clients, and house visits for alterations. While immensely discomforting, the repetition of Ahmuzen’s inclusion in these focused social interactions helped to further shatter the shell he so often retreated into when circumstances threatened to provide too many unexpected steps. Ultimately, it allowed him to even take the leading step in greeting and setting the path for a conversation with another person.

Alcohol, tobacco, coffee, honey, truffles. An end table dusted with the bones of snacks, a bar counter caked with revelry, and a gathering ornamented by mugs rich with sepia coloured vigour: Ahmuzen’s coming of age was marked by a dramatic shift in diet that struggled to form the necessary scaffolding to buttress his lifestyle. Every supporting board settled in with cracks as he skipped from moonlit taverns to the regimented workshop or an open-ended client appointment. He was plagued by a deeply rooted drive to abide by his family that sat stubbornly at the base of his spine–like a Buddah under the tree.
Only Ahmuzen’s closest friendships and family relationships kept him anchored in reality and in accordance with the pattern of his way. Yet, the grandest evil that bombarded his sense of sanity came with the death of his mother, taken by consumption and terrible leg injury caused by falling stones during an earthquake. Her death shattered him for years. Ale turned to alcoholism and smoking became a crutch that yanked him from bed in the morning and settled him into rest under the starlike bioluminescence of the cave flora.
In his twenty-seventh year Ahmuzen was summoned by his ageing father and their closest relatives, siblings included, to discuss the future of their house. In deliberate ignorance of his firstborn son’s devolution into vice, Ollin reaffirmed Ahmuzen’s status as his heir and passed the mantle of Fatherhood to him while he still lived, a rare but not unprecedented action for a tired retiree. His father’s lingering trust in him emboldened Ahmuzen, but it could never be enough to liberate him from his struggle. Yet, it was a strong enough pull to allow him to make the mental commitment to start improving.
Over the course of the following year, approval was given to some members of Clan Kaffee to leave their Mountainhome in search of adventure, knowledge, and opportunities outside of the wintery valley. Ultimately, seeking a resolution to his healing journey, Ahmuzen committed to joining the movement to depart in the interest of self-actualisation for the sake of his clan. Fearing a loss of direction and purpose, Ahmuzen furthermore committed himself to searching for a new home for all Kaffees.
Ahmuzen has taken up temporary residence in Manaan. After meeting and forging an acquaintanceship with some citizens there, he determined it may be a place worth investigating as a potential home.
- 14-Oct-24 thread created
- 16-Oct-24 history rewritten, name changed, stats finalised
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