Aurelia Lovelace


Aurelia Lovelace
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Culture/Subrace: Hanar


STR: 3 | CON: 3 | AGI: 2 | INT: -2 | HP: 18 | MS: 11 | TOX: 12

Tier 0 - Attack of Opportunity| Reaction
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
We’re doing it.
  • The Echo makes an Attack against a target moving out of their Attack Range.

Tier 0 - Overdrive| Passive
Initiative Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
You dig deep and push past your normal limits, forcing your body to act when you otherwise could not.
  • The Echo loses 5 Health and gains a Prime, Swift, or Reaction that can be used at any time until the end of their next turn.
Tier 0 - Shove | Prime Action
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: None | Weapon Requirements: None
Urgh. Push it. Push it real good.
  • The Echo rolls opposing Str or Agi against a target within Melee range, pushing them back 3 Blocks upon success.
Tier 1 - Brace | Reaction
No Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Strength | Weapon Requirements: None
Use strength to brace against incoming attacks.
  • The Echo uses their Strength Modifier instead of Intuition for their Defense Roll until the start of their turn.

Tier 1 - Cleave | Prime Action
5 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Strength | Weapon Requirements: Heavy Melee Weapon
Attack in a broad area around yourself in a large sweeping attack
  • The Echo deals Attack Damage to everything within a 2 Blocks radius.

Tier 1 - Take the Hit| Reaction
4 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 1 Constitution | Weapon Requirements: None
Yeah, show ‘em who’s boss. Let ‘em punch ya! Again! AGAIN!
  • The Echo reduces incoming damage by 1d2.
Tier 1 - Bash | Prime Action
3 Round Cooldown | Attribute Requirements: 3 Strength | Weapon Requirements: Melee Weapon
Strike your opponent to force them to the ground
The Echo applies the Slowness I tag as part of their damage.
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