Dwumar (Haldrekkan)
Theme Music
COLOURS: Yellow, Brown, Black

FOUNDING LOCATION: Mountainhome Kavke
CURRENT HOME: Mountainhome Ovtulk
CLAN FATHER: Ahmuzen Kaffee (played by cafekharel)
INHERITENCE LAW: Agnatic Primogeniture*
ADOPTION POLICY: Anyone (with Clan Father approval)
CLAN TRADES: Tailoring, Leatherworking, Furs, Beekeeping
*Adopted clan members have equal standing with blood clan members. Seniority is in order of age. Adopted non-Dwumar have equal standing with Dwumar.

"Writ'n lawh es nat necessarilah enforced lawh. Ef oi kohmand ya teh lov yer bröder, ye won' realleh lov em. Ye'll imitate lov tuh appezz meh n' teh duh wot yeh tink es roight. Howevah, ef oi writ tat ye shall lov yer famileh, n' oi sit wit ye n' respekt ye as meh equal, n' we discuss teh mattah intellah'gentleh, we moight arrive togethah at ah point o' mutual understandin'. From tat degreh o' kompass'n , respekt, n' comprehensun yeh moight open yaself up tu ah jen'uin experience." -Ollin Kaffee
Social requirements. Strictly enforced. Violations hereof may result in shunning or expulsion.
⋗ Obey the Clan Father. His word is law.
⋗ Family comes first. Trust, support, and protect your kin. Endeavour to maintain a comfortable and welcoming home.
⋗ Community comes second. Be hospitable to your neighbours, participate in social events, and contribute to local businesses.
⋗ Follow the Way of the Depths. Revere the Gods of the Deep, pay them respects and give them gifts, and learn from their teachings.
⋗ Uphold the Book of Grudges.
Social expectations. Loosely enforced. Violations hereof may result in harsh words.
⋗ Wear full-cut, loose, and comfortable clothing. Wear dark colours. Wear seasonal fabrics.
⋗ Volunteer to help during disasters, charity events, and wartime situations.
⋗ Pay respects to the sick and dying, even if you personally dislike the person.
⋗ Respect pets, strays, and wildlife. If you fish or hunt, pay respects to the animal for the boon of its meat and hide, and ensure it does not go to waste.
⋗ Respect nature, including gardens, forests, caves, and bodies of water. Do not litter. Do not pollute.
Originating with the wandering tribe that founded Mountainhome Kavke, the Way of the Depths is an ancient folk mythology dating back nearly a millennium. Today, it has been almost completely abandoned as an active religion, relegated to history books and theological study. Only a handful of traditionalist Haldrekkan families in Kavke and elsewhere still carry it with pride.
Clan Kaffee is one such house, holding strong to the Way of the Depths since their inception some six centuries ago. The clan incorporates the faith into their home-schooling, clan banner, and imagery in paintings, drawings, and the architecture of their homes and businesses. Adherence to the faith is a requirement for members of the clan.
The Way of the Depths reveres three deities and proscribes a way of life based on the values they represent. Unlike traditional religious beliefs, these deities are neither omnipotent nor omniscient, and they do not demand reverence, obedience, or discrimination. Rather, they are like guardian spirits, providing guidance and protection to the faithful whose way of life adheres to their teachings.
The Gods of the Deep are Tzaald, Zuun, and Sfaaz. Tzaald is the ‘God of the Mountain’, Zuun is the ‘God of the Cave’, and Sfaaz is the ‘God of the Hearth.’
Tzaald teaches security, vigilance, secrecy, and guardianship. Tzaald’s symbol is a mountain.
⋗ Tzaald’s primary virtue is Strength. The weak perish. The weak cannot protect their kin. The weak cannot protect the innocent.
Zuun teaches filial piety, communal piety, diplomacy, and rhetoric. Zuun’s symbol is the void
⋗ Zuun’s primary virtue is Kinship. The family is the bond that forges the future. The community is the bond that gives colour to life.
Sfvaaz teaches mental clarity, compassion, peace, and joy. Sfvaaz’s symbol is a fire.
⋗ Sfvaaz’s primary virtue is Charisma. Charisma is ethics liberated from definition. It is the ability of the self to make spontaneous judgments and act in accordance with nature.
Clan Kaffee claims its roots lie with Kafé der Kafe, an ancient dwumar sellsword vassal of the founder of Mountainhome Kavke. Supposedly, Kafé was an outcast blood relative of an unknown dwumar noble house whose service as a sellsword was an attempt at personal redemption. The attempt was ultimately unsuccessful, however Kafé’s only son, Sola, received the blessing of the second Deep-Lord of Kavke to liberate himself from the sins of his ancestors and found a new clan. To honour his father, regardless of his supposed transgressions, Sola took a variation of his father’s given name as the name of his house. So was born, Clan Kaffee.
The early years of House Kaffee’s service to Mountainhome Kavke were dominated by work as soldiers, watchmen, and judges. However, ultimately the family entirely transitioned into crafts and manufacturing. Early members were masons, jewellers, tailors, and tanners. Some claim even to have crafted the regalia worn by Kavke nobility and royalty, although this is disputed.
Clan Kaffee’s first tailor was Yucata Kaffee, a master tailor who personally outfitted his clan with well fitting fashion-forward clothing, contributing to a full-cut movement dubbed Voiaia after the black-and-grey bias of the clothing’s dominant colour scheme. Yucata also invented improved shears, rulers, and marking chalk to improve the quality of his work.
About 150 years ago, Clan Father Chotek had managed to achieve a position as a courtier in the Deep-Lord’s outer ring, serving as a minor advisor on interior crafts. Although essentially irrelevant, the appointing of a clothier in the court of Kavke was unprecedented and was poorly received by the traditional gentry.
This poor reception resulted in a feud between Clan Kaffee and Clan Twixa, set off by Clan Father Gro-Garam’s accusation of Chotek that he was a fool and a liberal, wearing his beard in a progressive and foreign style unbecoming of a “true Haldrekkan.” Furthermore, he was accused of corrupting the Kavke youth to the culture of outsiders and heretics, a hotly disputed claim ultimately dropped by Gro-Garam.
Unfortunately, the feud rapidly reached a boiling point at which Gro-Garam challenged Chotek to a duel to the death to settle their honour. The two met at noon with axes and shields and fought valiantly. However, sadly, Chotek was ultimately slaughtered. This defeat resulted in Clan Kaffee being ousted from the walls of Kavke, leading to a period of two years referred to as the Walk of a Hundred Sorrows.
The two years following their ousting was a turbulent time for Clan Kaffee. They lost nearly two dozen members to other clans, the founding of cadet branches, and departures to adventure alone. At the end, a meagre party of six unbreakably united Kaffees arrived at Mountainhome Ovtulk. There, they were welcomed with open arms, and that is where they remain to this day as tailors, leatherworkers, and furriers.
Five years ago, now-Clan Father Ahmuzen departed Mountainhome Ovtulk to seek an opportunity for greatness and advancement for his clan.
Ollin Kaffee, 62 M (Not Playable)
⋗ Father of Ahmuzen
Seti Kaffee, 58 F (Deceased)
⋗ Mother of Ahmuzen
Tolte Kaffee, 29 M (Playable)
⋗ Brother of Ahmuzen, twin of Yacta
Yacta Kaffee, 29 F (Playable)
⋗ Sister of Ahmuzen, twin of Tolte
Cintet Kaffee, 27 F (Playable)
⋗ Sister of Ahmuzen
Xipe Kaffee, 26 M (Playable)
⋗ Brother of Ahmuzen
Nappa Kaffee, 30 M (Playable)
⋗ 1st Cousin of Ahmuzen
Samsa Kaffee, 26 M (Playable)
⋗ 1st Cousin of Ahmuzen
Khorva Kaffee, 20 F (Playable)
⋗ 2nd Cousin of Ahmuzen
*Please feel free to craft an original unlisted character if approval is given. Naming schemes stem from early middle/southern Americas history and fantasy settings that draw from the same inspiration (Warhammer Fantasy, et cetera).*
Dwumar Clan Twixa
⋗ Murder of Clan Father Chotek Kaffee
⋗ Smearing Clan Kaffee’s reputation
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