- [+] Addition
- [*] Fix/Optimization
- [-] Removal
[+] New skin cosmetics option has been added!
One of the most major additions of this update is a new section to the /cosmetics GUI. By navigating to the right side and clicking on the player head icon, you can gain access to the Skins section. This area allows you to upload and save skins for personal use, which you can access at any time through this GUI. Default has access to 2 additional skin slots over their default, with supporter ranks having additional slots. You can upload by clicking on an empty slot and then inputting any .png or MineSkin.org URL. You can rename the slot by pressing your drop keybind (Q by default). You can select a skin by simply left clicking on it, or deselect it by clicking on your default skin in the bottom right of the GUI. You can right click on an existing skin to remove it and free up your slot. Hope you guys enjoy!
[+] New stats plugin with custom GUI has been added!
The other of the most major additions to this update is that the stats plugin has been reimplemented! This time, with a GUI and a much more intuitive system. By typing /stats, you will get a GUI where you can assign / reassign points across 2 stat profiles. These will save to your character sheet, and above your head (when you click on 'Save Stats'). You can also type /hp, and /ac to affect your HP and AC values which are shown above your head. This is useful for events and CRP situations, so both you and others can keep track of one another. There's a lot more updates to come for this plugin, so expect future updates with it. Once finished, all commands will be detailed in the Getting Started.
[+] Several new dagger models have been added!
These are currently unobtainable outside of events. These will be added in the future with the blacksmithing overhaul. But for now, you can request their model in CIT applications.
[+] Several new pets have been added!
These additions are in advance for the upcoming Tokenshop overhaul. Some of these are already obtainable through the current Tokenshop. But many more of them will be accessible once the new GUIs are added.
[+] Dozens of new emojis have been added!
These additions are in advance for the upcoming Tokenshop overhaul. A lot of them have also been added for existing and new Supporter roles.
[+] Half a dozen new join / leave messages have been added!
These additions are in advance for the upcoming Tokenshop overhaul. Some of them have already also been added for existing and new Supporter and Founder roles too.
[+] Referrals can now be done without any staff oversight!
A new player has 24 hours of playtime to type /rewards and navigate to the Referral Rewards menu, where they can input another player's username which will grant both themselves and the referrer 3 tokens. However, the referrer must have also navigated to that menu at some point and established themselves as a referrer, so that other players can input their username.
[*] Region issues with mismanaged permissions have been fixed.
An issue with WorldGuard has been fixed where default ranks had mismanaged permission that pertained to many regions. This issue was remedied by reassigning and overhauling several new permissions for the default rank.
[*] NPC Creation for ranks with access to them has now been properly configured and fixed.
NPC creation has been fixed for the T2 and T3 supporter ranks, which previously disallowed several necessary commands due to incorrectly assigned permission nodes.
[*] Guard NPCs will no longer spout random nonsense. Silly default messages…
Website / Lore
[+] An all new privacy policy has been added to the Policies page!
You can view our new privacy policies on the policies tab of our website. This means that it is now far more accessible than previous. It has also been reworked to be more concise and relevant to Mortals & Mythos platforms.
[+] The Kingdom of Lylas has been added to the wiki!
Thanks to Starlight_Vega for this. The Kingdom of Lylas is a snow-marred fortified city that serves as a backstory / lore nation. Players may use the Kingdom of Lylas for character lore purposes.
[+] Huge update and additions made to the Fael language!
You can view these new changes on the Wiki, under Athon > Languages of Athon > Fael. A lot of new vocabulary has been added to make the language more universally applicable and usable in most roleplay contexts. We are continuing to add to this as time progresses, but a huge thanks to WestCarolina for this!
[+] Huge overhaul to the Mortals & Mythos store!
The store has received a major facelift, with some new additions as well. We wanted to offer more variety and more perks for those that offer their support through this system. So, we have added a Tier 3 supporter rank that has even more perks than previous. Additionally, join / leave messages have been added, NPC creation, skin slots, and a bunch of other new things have been added to all supporter ranks and the founder role. A bunch of imagery has also been updated (huge thanks to WestCarolina for the skins). There’s a lot more to come with this too! Make sure to check it out
[+] The new Lands System has finally been released!
The new lands system has been dropped on the forums. You can now make land charters. Nations have received a systematic rework, namely in how to obtain them and how amenities work. The system is now a lot more streamlined and rewarding, without taking away from roleplay. (Thanks to Sykotic for formatting this).
[+] The new Guilds / Trades system has been released!
Another major addition with Lands is the ability to create guild / trade groups. These are groups that will allow you to gain gold just for roleplaying! It is to incentivise player-ran events, and reward those that offer the broader community a more engaging narrative and experience. You can check it out on the forums! (Thanks to Sykotic for formatting this).
[+] New magic factors have been added to Spellcraft!
Following some in-game developments through roleplay and story, several new magic factors have been developed. With this, comes more variety to Spellcraft gameplay. Thanks to Ghiojo for doing these up.
[+] Wiki got a bit of a facelift for each category, new blurbs have been added!
Each of the Wiki’s categories now offer a paragraph of information at the top of each page, which explains what that category is about and what contents are held there. This should make the Wiki a lot more intuitive to navigate, and easier to understand.
[+] New ‘ruler’ feature added to the live map!
To help with the new lands system and calculating block distance to gauge pricing, we added a ‘ruler’ feature on the live map, accessible by clicking on the map tab. On the map, you just click between two points (as long as you are not clicking a territory or a marker), and it will produce a white line. Then you click on the white line and it will show you the distance in blocks (in decimal form). Cool!
[+] Icon and territory markers have been added to the live map!
To better display nations on the live map, icons now appear by default as little markers (which will be further customised in the future). You can click on this markers to be told which nation it is. You can also navigate to the left hand menu (by clicking on the 3 lines), and open up the ‘Markers’ section. By clicking on a nation’s name, your camera will immediately fixate upon where it is located. Additionally, in this menu you can also enable territories (disabled by default), which will show up colored shapes that encompass the borders of each nation.
[+] Fleshscribing has been added to Spellcrafting / Transfiguration!
A unique boon for endgame Spellcraft has been added. This is a highly dangerous and potent feat that allows you to take permanent debuffs to your character in exchange for exceptional magical benefits. It has a lot of prerequisites in order for it to be an endgame feat, but is still obtainable and very friendly toward roleplay progression! (Thanks to the Spellcraft community for the feedback).
[+] Falkenstein was added to the Wiki!
Thanks to The_Awkward_One for this. The Village of Falkenstein is a scattered, wintery hamlet which serves as a backstory / active nation. Players may find Roleplay within Falkenstein, and may use the village for character lore purposes.
[+] The Elden City of Cailunmire was added to the Wiki!
Thanks to WestCarolina for this. The Elden City of Cailunmire is the home of those venerated Elves of the Sunlit Path, and serves as a backstory / lore nation. Players may use the Elden City of Cailunmire for character lore purposes.
[*] Remade nations category on the Wiki!
The nations category on the Wiki has been fully revamped. Nations are now sub-categories into Active nations, Lore / Backstory nations, and Razed / Ruined nations. This should help distinguish what is not available to visit in-game.
[+] The Moon Grove settlement has been established in the Deepwood!
The Druidic grove is now available in the north to be explored. Thanks to WestCarolina for this!
[+] A new butcher shop has also appeared in Manaan Port!
Such will soon be occupied by an NPC that will both buy and sell meat products. Thanks to WestCarolina for this!
[*] Several new buildings and infrastructure changes have hit Manaan Port.
The roads and stables have been improved, and a new post office has been erected. Thanks to MotherChai for this!
[*] The Azure Order has received some major updates to its architecture!
All new greenery and trees added around and new areas to explore. Thanks to WestCarolina for this!
[+] Server resources have been significantly improved!
This includes both resource capacity and usage. This will significantly reduce issues pertaining to any resource-related lag or crashes. Additionally, the server location has been moved around a bit to reduce latency for our average playerbase geographic.
[+] Staff now have access to a better and more fluid disguise plugin!
There are a lot of great functions and features with this, which will be further tweaked as we explore its potential. Expect some great things from this!
[*] Optimised live map!
The live map has been heavily optimised. It should now load significantly faster on all browsers, and not have any black spots that randomly appear. If you find this is still the case, open up the menu on the left hand side and click ‘Update Map’.
[*] Optimised world generation and chunk loading!
The server’s world generation and chunk loading has been massively overhauled so it is now pre-rendered on startup. This has made it so that vehicle traveling and teleportation around the map should be loaded at an exceptionally faster rate! Probably not immediately noticeable, but it’s helped a lot with server resources as well.
[*] Updated databases to better optimise loading times!
Many plugins currently use databases in order to consolidate player data. Previously, some used either poor databases or local files, which led to some long load times for some features or logins taking a bit longer than usual when having to load from files. Now all plugins that require this use fast-loading databases. *pushes up glasses*.
[*] Several plugins have received major updates!
Pretty much affects no one but staff, but a fair few plugins have received some major updates which required further configuration. This should help with some previously noted errors in these plugins, which caused some issues for resources / console.