Employment Within The Imperialis


Dusty Old Bone
✦ Founder ✦
❖ Mythical ❖


As the settlement of New Sansretour welcomes new residents, the prospect of employment opens alongside. These positions of employment offer various benefits. Some include a home with tax pre-paid, or access to free market stalls.

These positions are not extensive, and should anyone be interested in something further, they should reach out to Genoveva Bellecote to discuss.

All employees will be expected to become citizens of New Sansretour and, therefore, adhere to all rules of the settlement.

POSITION: Stable Hand
WAGE: Subject to production
BENEFITS: Residence included
Description: The stablehand is expected to produce high quality horses for sale to visitors and residents. In exchange, they are provided with the space to rear and board these animals, as well as a home above the stables provided, rent free. Paid wages will rely on the products provided, and may range from 20-40 gold per half year.

POSITION: Accumulator
WAGE: Subject to contribution
BENEFITS: Tier 1 residence pre paid for two years (4 weeks). Tier 2 residence offered at a discount.
Description: The Accumulator will be responsible for the gathering and collection of written works and artwork, which will ultimately be displayed to the public. New Sansretour aims to be the central point for the arts and values this position highly.

[Position Filled]

POSITION: Tavern Employee
WAGE: See below
BENEFITS: Retention of moneys made, temporary accommodation offered
Description: The tavern of New Sansretour, situation in prime location upon the docks, seeks employees. For customers it offered temporary boarding within the rooms above, beachside dining and views across the ocean. For staff, drinks are provided from the House Bellecote Chateau, and any sold directly to customers may have the profits kept by the member of staff. Staff may also request access to the Chateau brewery should they be interested in developing further drinks for sale.

Employees of the tavern are expected to host infrequently, in hopes to draw visitors to the islands. They should report to The Wanderer at the Chateau with any and all queries.

POSITION: Merchant
WAGE: See Below
BENEFITS: Free Market Stall
Description: The markets of New Sansretour are situated within the docks, as first view to any visitors who depart the ship. Several stalls are available for use by residents free of charge. Foreign visitors may rent a stall on a yearly (two week) basis of 35 gold. Failure to pay this levy will result in the eviction process as stated within the Laws of New Sansretour.

POSITION: Forgemaster
WAGE: Subject to production, see below
BENEFITS: Residence included, stall included
Description: The forge of New Sansretour sits secluded within and upon its own island, just off the northern coast. The forgemaster will be responsible for the creation of a range of items when called upon by the Grand Duchess. Equally, they may take commissions from whomever, and they will be entitled to a free stall upon the docks to sell their wares.

A residence will equally be provided, directly across from the forge for no cost.


Lady Genoveva Bellecote, Matriarch of House Bellecote and Administrator to the Grand Duchess
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