Genoveva Bellecote

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Empire of the Sun
✦ Founder ✦
❖ Mythical ❖
Her Ladyship, the Baroness of New Sansretour


Descended from the Bellecote family of Manaan, Lady Genoveva recently achieved ennoblement in the Exaltunate after the fall of her homeland to the ravages of the cataclysm. As a Baroness, she is designated as a minor inland noble centralised in the City of Vaelyn. Her responsibilities include social service and privilege, assisting the Voicari, and representing the Exaltunate in the affairs of her Barony.

During her time in Manaan, Lady Genoveva was responsible for launching an arts and tailoring venture that exploded into a highly successful business and social enterprise. This position enabled her and her family to grow their reach exponentially across the landscape, earning her a prestigious post in vassalage to the late Grand Duchess.

During her time in service to her former ruler, Lady Genoveva assisted in the drafting of legal, tax, and other important regulations that resulted in great bounty to the people in her care. This won her renown as a fair and intelligent leader, and her financial successes earned her a beautiful countryside estate where her family settled and ruled from prior to arriving in Vaelyn.


- Lady Genoveva is an accomplished vintner, having mastered the art in the sprawling vineyards of her former estate.
- Lady Genoveva’s Manaan art business was called ‘Port of Call’.
- Although Lady Genoveva’s heritage lies in militarism and conservative values, her modern family cadet branch focuses on personal cultivation and progressive politics.
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