Holiday Builds


Empire of the Sun
✦ Founder ✦
❖ Mythical ❖
Hello everyone,

Following from a brief discussion amongst Administration, we are interested in receiving your opinion about which holidays, if any, you would like to see represented on the server in the city of Vaelyn via temporary redesigns of the city to celebrate the holiday. The decorations would be primarily aesthetic, however the Story Team and Community Team may host small and lowkey events associated with the holiday, including the distribution of special holiday-themed items.

At the moment, two conflicting opinions are being considered and we would appreciate feedback from our community about what they would like to see. The first opinion is that we would decorate for and celebrate via events holidays from the country that hosts our server, the USA. The second opinion is that we would combine major real-world holidays with lore-appropriate holidays to intermix references to the real world (supported by the Community Team) with references to the lore (supported by the Story Team), inclusive of holidays requested to be represented by our community.

If you have an opinion about either of these suggestions, or one of your own, to share, or an opinion about which holidays you would like to see represented through builds and events, please let us know via a comment on this thread.

Thank you!
I prefer the second option. Having a RP appropriate reason, and being able to mention it via lore without hesitation on whether or not certain emotes can be canon, is insane. Halloween, Easter, and Christmas especially. Dressing up in little costumes (with IC reason), playing Secret Santa, and finding eggs scattered.. it would be hilariously fun to play with other players on RoE, not to mention ACTUALLY being able to mention it ICly without struggle on what to call it. (These three are just the few I've seen done on various other platforms; I'm not certain how other holiday's would be represented, therefore).
I'm all for the second opinion. Would love to see something similar to Christmas, Halloween, and New Years. Remembrance days/feasts for any notable wars from the old continent. A Santa-like character giving out gifts to citizens on "Christmas" sounds fun. Maybe an extravagant ball leading into the new year
I personally want to see some inclusive holidays and events that touch on cultures that are often underrepresented, like Ramadan, Divali, Songkran, Holi, or even more recent events like Pride Festival. It's easy to create a 'Vaelynied' version of these events while staying true and respectful to the original message and culture. For example, Halloween was named Spirit's Eve and, while build wise it reflected the eastern stereotypical Halloween with Jack-o-Lanterns and ghosts, the RP event and festival that we had originally planned (before it was unable to be held) more featured messages more akin to that Dia de los Muertos.
Im aswell for the second option. A lorewise existing holiday would put further depth on the calendar system. Even perhaps turning some Real life holidays into a different version regarding a different rundown of the happenings would not only add intrigue but also an enjoyable repeating holiday.
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