[LUNTHORPE] a change of rule


Server punching bag
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A scroll of ivory white with a practiced print and seal
of Lunthorpe was placed on all doors within the town.

Syl'dae my beloved citizens, today I bring you this notice
to make you all aware of a change of rule within Lunthorpe.
I, Callista Fesyla, will be stepping down as my position of Lady.
I will not be leaving Lunthorpe or Elsar anytime soon but my
priorities lay elsewhere, the responsibility of ruling will be
placed onto kira cyare, Lord Aleister Ironcrow.
Beginning today and for the foreseeable future, Lord Ironcrow
will be the one responsible for Lunthorpe and it's people. I will
help where I am needed from this day forward I will be nothing
more than a citizen like the rest of you and I can't think of anything
more lovely than that.
There are no expected big changes in Lunthorpe, Lord Ironcrow
intends to keep the culture and expectations of Lunthorpe
untouched only doing what he can to make the town bigger
and better. Please welcome Lord Ironcrow with open arms
and minds, he is excited to know you all and help you all,
in Sacrifice we shall find Salvation.


I'm giving up nation leader for reasons and The_Awkward_0ne is
taking over Lunthorpe from me. If you have any questions preferably direct them
to Awkward.
Apon finding the scroll pinned to her abode, Khu'yn would read over it's contents carefully. Not once, not twice, but thrice. The bogrin could barely believe the words that were scribed onto the notice.
'Was it true that Callista was stepping down as countess, or was this simply an act - A forgery perhaps?'
Her thoughts bounced from possibility to possibility only to find one simple truth - The countess was no countess no more. A part of the Bog'hara was relieved, as she had heard rumors of the countess's cruelty from the shadows - while the other part was terrified of what was going to become of her new home, now that the seemingly ever-present and ever watchful eye of Callista Fesyla's reign finally fluttered into slumber.
"I ho' tish toesh not ent boor'y" (I hope this does not end poorly)
I wish you the best of luck with whatever those reasons may be!
No bout of change would remove the possibility of a set of eyes to not encroach. There was this time, to which a man had stepped on through the city gates of Lunthrope, upon a lonesome morning 'noon. This one's visage casted along the parchment in passing, to of which he was attracted by the symbol nearing the top.

Upon the ending read, through the wicked moments of time, a laugh sounded out with a verbal;
"Oh, how things have changed! Though for the better or worse, I wonder?" Thought pursued longer than the thickened amusement. "I suppose I must go get a bag of snacks, now; this circus will be lost of pleasure, should I not." Quil, the man in clad, had only then continue forth to pursue his daily gathering.
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