
- AGE: 20
- RACE: Wood Elf
- GENDER: Male
- SEXUALITY: Homosexual
- HEIGHT: 5'3 or 161.544 cm
- WEIGHT: 100 lbs
- BUILD: Mesomorph, Twink built
- HAIR: Short Brown hair
- EYES: Maroonish Red eyes
- IMPORTANT FEATURES: Typically has vines and other natural looking plants on his body from his wood elf heritage
- OUTFIT: Typically wood elven clothing sometimes more professional clothing
- OCCUPATION: Doctor and member of the Tideguard
- RELIGION: Founder of the Pantheon of the Verdant Circle | Link to the Religion
sgt: -3 | con: 3 | agi: 2 | int: 4 | tox: x/11 | hp: 22/22
Maxilia is a wood elf that was born in a wood elf domain in a dense forest. His parents were nobles, a lord and lady, known for their intricate backgrounds in medicine. His family got their noble titles from their use in the clinic which later led to Maxilia's father and mother getting married and merging the clinic into the land of the two houses. Savant, his fathers name, Cupiditatem, his mothers name. Max was the youngest of 12 children and all 12 of them helped out in the clinic with their parents when they reached the age of 13. This is when they learned how to be physicians and how to properly treat people and their ailments. Maxilia did this until he reached 18 when his mother came down with an incredible illness that later led to the death of his Mother Aurora. Before she died however, she gave Max a necklace with the noble houses banner on the front and name on the back, and whispered in his ear to head north east to the nation of Zatmenrod. Shortly after her death Max packed his bags, and left nothing but a note of where he would head towards. During his journey he stopped by libraries and learned of the art of magic and further excited him to head to Zatmenrod, even through the melancholy of his mothers passing he had to be optimistic.
The journey was far from easy for Max, but when he got there the tavern was the first place he ran for a drink and food. He hadn't ate in a few days and only drank water from the lakes he came across, possibly filled with microbes that carried diseases. Lady Luck must've been on his side as he only had a slight warmth in his head, and a sore stomach for a few days after that. Max explored the city for the first few days taking in awe the people and their customs. Watching how they interact, observing the differences. All things that started overwhelming but soon became just something that happened until the first time he was treated like.. less than. This made him self conscious and he began backing away from the tsardom a bit keeping his distance from others. He learned their medical methods and soon opened up a doctors office to hopefully get something, but that later turned bad as he learned he wasnt welcome as a doctor there due to his less than race.. He moved away to manaan port and is now there hoping to find a spellcaster and even a clinic to work in. Scrounging about in his wood elf attire, melancholic, tired, and in need of his.. mommy.
- ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
- Optimistic | Max shows optimism in various forms especially with just remaining positive.
- Ambitious | Maxilia holds the need, the ambition, to do many things.. things he considers great.
- Caring | Maxilia cares for everyone even complete strangers. He sees no reason to not be.
- Grace | Both in the act of being graceful and the act of giving grace. He sees no reason to come off completely rude when someone is clearly having a rough day. He simply will become a punching bag for words, or violence, if its required to make someone happy again
- Conditional Pacifism | Max sees no reason to be benevolent or aggressive unless it is something completely needed.
- Zealous in Piety | Max shows Zealous in his devotion to his religion.
- To spread his religion and enlighten people to The Pantheon of the Verdant Circle
- Grow the Savant-Cupiditatem House
- Build a Grand Hospital
- Sell Alcohol possibly
- Porcelain Dolls | Creepy little things..
- Possessed Objects | just the thought of an object moving on its own is spooky
- Burning Down Forests | Self Explainatory
- Coming home and the rest of his family being gone..
- being single forever
- Having no Friends
- Fruity Drinks
- Flowers, plants etc
- his religion
- Music on the Lute
- Medicine
- Combat
- Seeing others Hurt
- Practicing Medicine
- Apple Juice
- Wine
- Raspberry Tea
House Savant-Cupiditatem
“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity”
Head(s) of Dynasty (oldest living member)
Marquess Jacques Savant-Cupiditatem
Marchioness Aurora Savant-Cupiditatem (Deceased)
Head of Household in insert wood elf city
Marquess Jacques Savant-Cupiditatem
Head of Household in Manaan
Maxilia Francis Savant-Cupiditatem
Succession Type:
Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture (oldest male child inherits unless there is none then oldest female child inherits)
Line of Succession
Michael Savant-Cupiditatem
Ziaran Savant-Cupiditatem
Ima Savant-Cupiditatem
Maxilia Savant-Cupiditatem
Muelith Savant-Cupiditatem
Syllamin Savant-Cupiditatem
Ianiris Savant-Cupiditatem
Miaphyra Savant-Cupiditatem
Torgella Savant-Cupiditatem
Zelphyra Savant-Cupiditatem
Krisisora Savant-Cupiditatem
Morgana Savant-Cupiditatem
History of the Family:
Savant Family:
The Savants were a family of Marquesses in charge of land called a March. They gained this title by showing that they had excellent diplomatic knowledge as well as knowledge of warfare. Their ideals changed years after to ween away from just their knowledge of warfare and more into their Medical Studies and Philosophy. Becoming one of the first dynastys in insert city name to get away from the heats of war. The March also introduced a large hospital ran by the Marquess and Marchioness. This hospital is still under control of the Savant-Cupiditatem family and most of its staff are the children of Jacques Savant-Cupiditatem
Cupiditatem Family:
The Cupiditatems were a noble family married into the royal family of insert wood elf country. These members of high society were average diplomats, advisors, Doctors, Politicians, and other Higher Status Occupations. The Cupiditatems were an influential family indeed.
Savant-Cupiditatem Family:
The combination of the Savants and the Cupiditatems in a way to strengthen the political power of the Maquess and the influence of the Cupiditatems. The combined house is in control of the March under Jacques Savant-Cupiditatem, and years prior, the late Marchioness Aurora Savant-Cupiditatem. The Family also has a son physician in Manaan, Maxilia Francis Savant-Cupiditatem.
Max is Bottom Middle with the white robe
- Manaan
- Made a Religion
- Became a member of Tideguard and a Doctor
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