Important RPSuite

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Administration Team
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❖ Mythical ❖


The RPSuite is a comprehensive plugin developed for Realms of Echoes, hereinafter referred to as RoE. It is divided into several interconnected modules that enhance the roleplaying experience by providing character management, chat systems, rolling mechanics, and staff tools. Designed for roleplayers, it aims to create a seamless environment with minimal mechanical distractions, allowing players to immerse themselves in storytelling.
  1. Introduction
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Modules Overview
  4. Module Breakdown
    • Core Module (RPSuite_Core)
    • Cards Module (RPSuite_Cards)
    • Chat Module (RPSuite_Chat)
    • Rolling Module (RPSuite_Rolls)
    • Duty Module (RPSuite_Duty)
  5. Command Reference
  6. FAQs

Modules Overview

RPSuite is made up of several modules, each designed to enhance different aspects of roleplaying on RoE. Below is an overview of each module and its main functionality.
This is the core module of the plugin that ties all other modules together. While functionally limited on its own, it provides the necessary hooks and integration for the entire suite to work seamlessly. It also acts as the backbone of the RPSuite, ensuring that the various components work harmoniously.
The Cards module provides a revamped character profile and character sheet system. Players can create and manage multiple characters, each with their own stats, inventory, and roleplay details. This module aims to make character management easier and more intuitive by introducing a GUI-based character sheet and supporting features like multiple character profiles and language proficiency.
This is one of the most complex modules, completely overhauling the Minecraft chat system to support roleplaying. It includes automatic formatting, customizable chat channels, in-character and out-of-character options, quick chat commands, and support for multiple languages.
This module provides a rolling system that is useful for the TTRPG-style mechanics implemented in RoE. It includes support for advantage and disadvantage rolling, combining multiple dice rolls, and rolling based on character stats.
The Duty module provides tools for staff members, including a replacement for CMI's /staff mode and a new Limited Creative feature. It allows staff to switch to a duty mode, separating their player and staff roles effectively. Limited Creative is intended for players who want to decorate or build without the risk of exploiting creative mode features.


Module Breakdown

Cards Module (RPSuite_Cards)

The Cards module is a fundamental component of the RPSuite plugin, providing players on RoE with the ability to create, manage, and utilize character profiles seamlessly. This module replaces our older /card system with an improved GUI-based character sheet that makes character management efficient and player-friendly. The Cards module introduces a new profile system that combines previous chat-based character profiles with a GUI character sheet, allowing for an interconnected roleplay experience. The aim is to minimize mechanic-heavy interactions so players can focus on the immersive roleplay experience.
Core Commands and Features
  • Character Card - /character, /char: The /character or /char command provides a character card in chat. Each field can be edited directly by clicking on it, for example, clicking on 'Name' will auto-populate the command to change your character name in your chat. This allows for easy on-the-fly adjustments without needing to navigate complex menus. Players can also access this character card by clicking on a player's name directly in the chat. This creates a straightforward way to view character information during roleplay interactions.
    • Fun Fact: You can customise the colour of your name in Roleplay Chats by including a Minecraft Chat Colour or Hex Code when updating your Name. (e.g. /character set name &bSerMordred, or /character set name <#hexcode>SerMordred )
  • Character Sheet - /card, /sheet, /charactersheet: Using /card, /sheet, or /charactersheet will open the GUI-based character sheet. This sheet contains more detailed information about the character, including:
    • Stats: Track and manage character stats, with the ability to view roll modifiers.
    • Language Fluency: View and manage language proficiency.
    • Lore Item Storage: Players can store lore items that are significant to their character.
    • Shortcuts: Includes shortcuts to toggle walking/running, dispose of items, or return to /spawn.
  • Character Creation - /charactercreation: To create a character, players must run /charactercreation and confirm with /newchar confirm. This command initiates a guided character creation process, where players assign stat points, select their character's race, and choose their language proficiency levels. After initial creation, players will see their character card automatically in chat, where they can fill in additional details such as:
    • Name
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Pronouns
    • Culture
    • Link to Character Sheet
    • Description
  • Character Profiles - /profiles: Players on RoE can have two character profiles per account, each with distinct inventories and character sheets. The profiles are accessible via the /profiles command or by selecting the Nether Star icon from the top left of the character sheet GUI. Profiles are designed for easy switching, allowing players to seamlessly swap between characters without having to manually update inventories or character information. The location of the character is also saved and remembered when switching profiles.
  • Toggle Nameplates - /togglenameplates: A toggleable command which enables or disables personal viewing of other people’s nameplates above their heads.

Health Commands
Health is an essential aspect of roleplay, especially during combat or dangerous encounters. These commands enable players to track, modify, and restore their character's health, adding a sense of realism to roleplay situations.

  • Display Health - /hp: Displays the character's current HP (hit points). This command is useful for monitoring health during combat or after receiving healing.
  • Restore Health - /restorehp, /rhp: Restores HP to the character's base maximum. This command is typically used to reset health after rest or recovery.
  • Damage Health - /damagehp <#>, /dhp: Reduces the character's HP by a specified amount. This command automatically depletes temporary HP first, then affects core HP.
  • Heal Health - /healhp <#>, /hhp: Heals the character by a given number of hit points, up to the character's maximum HP.
  • Add Temporary Hit Points - /temphp <#>, /thp: Adds temporary hit points on top of the character's current HP. Temporary HP acts as a buffer, absorbing damage before affecting core HP.
  • Increase Maximum HP - /maxhp <#>, /mhp: Temporarily increases the character's maximum HP by a specified amount. This temporary boost can be used during special events or combat scenarios where characters receive a blessing or power-up.

Toxicity Commands
Toxicity is a mechanic designed to introduce consequences for using certain items, consuming potions, or engaging in corrupt magic. These commands allow players to track and manage their character's toxicity levels, adding tension and risk to the roleplay.

  • Display or Set Toxicity - /toxicity, tox: Displays the current toxicity level or sets a specified level. This command helps players manage the effects of toxicity on their character.
  • Add Toxicity - /addtoxicity <#>, /addtox <#>: Increases the character's toxicity by a specified amount. This command is used when a character consumes a toxic item or uses corrupt abilities.
Your maximum TOX is determined by your HP. You do not need to modify it. These commands exist for special circumstances, such as events.
  • Reduce Toxicity - /reducetoxicity <#>, /reducetox <#>: Reduces the character's toxicity level by a given number. This command is useful when a character receives purification or consumes an antidote.
  • Set Maximum Toxicity - /maxtoxicity, /maxtox: Sets or displays the character's maximum toxicity level. This is helpful for managing the upper limit of toxicity and determining when a character is in danger of severe effects.

Wards Commands
Wards determines how difficult it is to damage a character during combat. These commands allow players to set and manage their character's Wards value, which automatically mitigates incoming damage.

  • Set Wards - /wardstrength <#>: Sets the character's Wards value. Wards is used to reduce damage taken when using the /damagehp command, effectively simulating armor absorbing part of the damage.

Chat Module (RPSuite_Chat)

The Chat module in the RPSuite is one of the most extensive components, offering an overhaul of the Minecraft chat system tailored specifically for roleplay on RoE. It aims to make communication between players efficient, immersive, and fully customizable. The Chat module offers features like automatic formatting, multiple chat channels, quick chat switching, and the ability to speak in different in-game languages. These features provide players with a more dynamic and nuanced way to interact during roleplay sessions.

Core Commands and Features

  • Channel Switching - /ch, /channelswitch, /channelswap: The core command for switching between different chat channels. Typing /ch will display a list of available channels, the range of each channel, and your current focus. Players can also join a channel by clicking on its prefix when running this command.
  • Channel Focus - /channel: Displays which chat channel you are currently focusing on, which can be useful for quickly confirming your current communication setting.
  • Emote Colour Setting - /emotecolour, /emotecolor: Allows players to set the color of their emote text. Currently, emote colors are chosen from a pre-set list. In future updates, there may be support for custom hex color codes.
  • Clear Chat - /clearchat and Blank Chat - /blankchat: /clearchat clears your current appended chat history. /blankchat sends 50 blank lines to your chat, creating a buffer and clearing visible messages for a fresh start.
  • Language Setting - /language: Sets the language for dialogue within emotes. Players must have at least a 'Conversational' proficiency in the language they want to use. If the player is not fluent, their dialogue may have words scrambled to indicate mistakes in the language.
  • Toggle OOC Chat - /toggleooc: Toggles out-of-character (OOC) messaging, and is persistent across sessions and server restarts.
  • Quick Chat Commands and Channel Switching: Quickchat commands are designed for fast communication across different channels without needing to swap manually. These commands act as both a quick way to message in that channel and to switch your focus to it. For example, typing /rp alone will switch to the roleplay channel, while /rp Hello! will send the message to that channel directly. Each channel has a corresponding shortcut:
    • /roleplay, /rp - Messages the Roleplay/Local channel.
    • /quiet, /q - Messages the Quiet channel.
    • /whisper, /w - Messages the Whisper channel.
    • /shout, /s - Messages the Shout channel.
    • /environment, /env - Messages the Environment channel.
    • /ooc - Messages the Out of Character channel.
    • /looc - Messages the Local OOC channel.
    • /qooc - Messages the Quiet OOC channel.
    • /wooc - Messages the Whisper OOC channel.

Chat Formatting
Channels are categorized by whether they are in-character (IC) or out-of-character (OOC) and whether they use Muffling:

  • In-Character Channels: Any text outside of quotes is formatted in your emote color, while dialogue in quotes appears white.
  • Out-of-Character Channels: OOC text is formatted in grey to distinguish it from roleplay.
  • Muffling: If a channel uses Muffling, line-of-sight is required to hear a speaker's emotes. For instance, being behind a wall from the speaker will result in their emotes appearing as 'muffled' and the speaker as 'unknown'. This is determined by the presence or absence of blocks between players.
  • Text Formatting:Players can use special symbols to format text in their messages:
    • Bold: Wrap text in ^ (e.g., ^bold^ becomes bold).
    • Italics: Wrap text in * (e.g., *italics* becomes italics).
    • These formatting options can also be combined (e.g., *^bold italics^* becomes bold italics).
  • Chat Appending: Players can append up to three messages together by ending each with --. This feature is useful when writing long emotes that need to be split across multiple messages. To finalize and send the message, omit -- from the last part of the message. If dialogue was started in quotes, the system remembers and continues it across the appended messages, maintaining consistency. For example:
    • Input Message 1: bowing lowly, he greets the user, “We welcome you to--
    • Input Message 2: RoE, we hope you have fun!”--
    • Input Message 3: With a quick turn, he departs.
    • Output Message: bowing lowly, he greets the user, “We welcome you to RoE, we hope you have fun!” With a quick turn, he departs.

More Chat Features
  • Item Embedding: Typing [I] in any message will embed the currently held item into the chat. Players can also use [item-#] to reference items from Lore Storage based on their slot.
  • Mentions: Players can mention others by typing @ followed by their username (e.g., @SerMordred). This plays a sound in the mentioned player's client and highlights the mention.
  • Character Name as Emote Start: Players in a roleplay channel can start an emote with their character's name by using ~ (e.g., ~enters the bar). This will display as Character enters the bar without a colon, making the emote flow more naturally.
  • Quick LOOC Messaging: Start any message with (( to quickly send it to Local Out of Character.
  • Hover to View Details: Hovering over a character's name will show their in-game name (IGN), while hovering over an IGN in an OOC channel will show the current character name.
  • Channel Prefix Interaction: Clicking on a channel prefix (e.g., OOC, Quiet, LOOC) allows quick switching to that channel.

Rolling Module (RPSuite_Rolls)

The Rolling module in RPSuite is designed to provide players on RoE with versatile and immersive dice rolling mechanics, drawing inspiration from traditional tabletop RPG systems. This module supports both simple and advanced rolling systems, offering a variety of options to enhance roleplay scenarios, including combat, skill checks, and other character-based actions. The Rolling module provides commands for players to roll dice in a variety of configurations, making it easy to simulate the randomness that is typical of tabletop RPGs. The module includes features like rolling with advantage or disadvantage, adding modifiers, and combining multiple dice types in a single roll. It also supports rolling based on character stats.

Core Commands and Features

  • Basic Roll Command - /roll: The primary command for dice rolling. The output displays the result of each die rolled as well as the total, allowing players to see the breakdown of their rolls. This command can be used for standard dice rolls, including:
    • Single Die Roll: /roll 1d20 - Rolls one 20-sided die.
    • Multiple Dice Roll: /roll 3d4 - Rolls three 4-sided dice.
    • Combined Dice Roll: /roll 1d20+3d4 - Rolls one 20-sided die and three 4-sided dice, summing the results.
    • Modifier Addition: /roll 1d20+5 - Rolls a 20-sided die and adds 5 to the result.
  • Advanced Rolling: Advantage and Disadvantage: The Rolling module also supports advantage and disadvantage mechanics:
    • Advantage Roll: Append 'a' to the dice (e.g., /roll 1d20a). This will roll the die twice and take the higher result.
    • Disadvantage Roll: Append 'd' to the dice (e.g., /roll 1d20d). This will roll the die twice and take the lower result.
    • When rolling multiple dice (e.g., /roll 3d4a), each die will be rolled twice, and the best outcome will be chosen for each individual roll.
  • Stat-Based Rolls: Players can directly roll based on their character's stats using the command /roll [statname]. For example, /roll strength will roll a 20-sided die and add (or subtract) the character's Strength modifier. The result is shown along with an explanation of how the modifier was applied, making it clear to all participants.
  • Combined Rolls and Complex Expressions: The Rolling module allows for combining various dice and modifiers, enabling players to create complex roll expressions such as:
    • /roll 1d20+5d10+6d4+3 - Rolls multiple dice types and adds a flat modifier.
    • Note: There is a current limitation where you cannot combine additions and subtractions in the same command (e.g., /roll 1d20+1d4-5). However, expressions with all additions or all subtractions are supported.
  • Staff Rolls - /dmroll: The /dmroll command allows Staff members to make rolls privately or in a distinct color, ensuring that their rolls are easily distinguishable from player rolls. This is particularly useful for secret rolls, such as perception checks where players are not supposed to know the outcome beforehand.
  • Roll Visibility - /rollradius <#>: The /rollradius command sets how far the results of your rolls are visible to other players. This is particularly useful for maintaining immersion, as players who are outside of the defined radius will not see the roll results, mimicking the idea that only those nearby can witness certain actions. Players can set the radius to any value greater than or equal to 1 (e.g., /rollradius 10). Setting it to 1 effectively makes the roll private. By default, the roll range is 20 blocks.

This RPSuite function is currently disabled.

Duty Module (RPSuite_Duty)

The Duty module in RPSuite is specifically designed for server staff on RoE. It provides a set of tools to help staff members efficiently manage their duties while keeping their player and staff experiences separate. The module introduces Duty Mode and Limited Creative as two distinct formats to support staff in their roles. The Duty module aims to streamline the experience of being both a player and a staff member. Staff can easily switch between their regular player mode and a staff mode that includes tools and capabilities necessary for server management. This module also includes a Limited Creative mode, allowing players to build or decorate while reducing the risk of exploiting creative features.

Core Features
Due to the Duty Module being staff specific, only the features have been listed while commands are contained within Staff Guides.

  • Duty Mode: Duty Mode replaces CMI's /staff mode, addressing several of the issues that existed with the original implementation. Duty Mode persists between sessions, meaning if a staff member disconnects, they will still be in Duty Mode upon reconnecting until they manually exit it with the /duty command. When a staff member enters Duty Mode using the /duty command, they:
    • Separate Inventory: Upon switch, the staff member gains a separate inventory. This prevents any crossover between player inventory items and staff tools.
    • Creative Move: Staff automatically enter creative mode for staff tasks, ensuring they have the flexibility needed to manage the server effectively.
    • Save Location: Upon command use, their current location is saved and is returned to it when exiting Duty Mode.
    • Staff Commands: Upon use, staff gain access to extra commands that assist in their duties.
  • Limited Creative Mode: Limited Creative is a unique addition to RPSuite, allowing players (typically those involved in building or decorating) access to a restricted version of creative mode:
    • Exit Limited Creative - /exitlc: Allows a player to exit Limited Creative mode early, returning them to their previous game mode and location.
    • Blacklist Restrictions: Limited Creative prevents interaction with containers such as chests and barrels, reducing the risk of duplication exploits.
    • No Item Dropping: Items cannot be dropped while in Limited Creative, preventing unintended item distribution.
    • Time Limits: Limited Creative has a default time limit of 6 hours, although this can be adjusted when entering the mode. A -persist flag can also be used to ensure that Limited Creative status persists across disconnections.
    • Ideal Use Cases: This mode is perfect for players who need temporary creative abilities for decorating their homes or building community projects, without giving them full creative permissions that could be abused.

Command Reference

The following table provides a comprehensive reference of all available commands in RPSuite for RoE. Each command is paired with a brief description of its function to help players and staff quickly understand its use.

/character, /charDisplays your character card in chat for easy editing of individual fields.
/card, /sheet, /charactersheetOpens the GUI-based character sheet for detailed character information, including stats, roll modifiers, and Lore Item Storage.
/charactercreationStarts the character creation process for a new character profile, followed by /newchar confirm to complete it.
/editstatsOpens a GUI to edit your Attributes within the limitations of your Tier. An option to reset is available.
/profilesAllows players to switch between up to two character profiles, each with distinct inventories and details.
/hpDisplays the current HP of your character.
/restorehp, /rhpRestores your HP to the base maximum value.
/damagehp, /dhpReduces your character's HP by a specified amount, affecting temporary HP first.
/healhp, /hhpHeals your character by the given number of hit points, up to the maximum.
/temphp, /thpAdds temporary hit points on top of your character's current HP.
/maxhp, /mhpTemporarily increases the maximum number of your character's hit points.
/toxicity, /toxDisplays or sets your character's toxicity level.
/addtoxicity, /addtoxIncreases your character's toxicity by the given amount.
/reducetoxicity, /reducetoxReduces your character's toxicity by the given number.
/maxtoxicity, /maxtoxSets or displays the maximum toxicity value for your character.
/wardstrengthSets your character's Wards, which reduces damage automatically when hit.
/ch, /channelswitch, /channelswapDisplays the server's channel list and allows players to switch channels.
/channelDisplays the current chat channel you are focusing on.
/emotecolour, /emotecolorSets the color of your emotes in chat based on a pre-set list of colors.
/clearchatClears your current appended chat history.
/blankchatSends 50 blank lines to your chat, providing a buffer in the chat history.
/languageSets the language your character's dialogue is spoken in for roleplay channels.
/toggleoocToggles out-of-character messaging, persisting across sessions and server restarts.
/roleplay, /rpSends a message to the Roleplay/Local channel.
/quiet, /qSends a message to the Quiet channel.
/whisper, /wSends a message to the Whisper channel.
/shout, /sSends a message to the Shout channel.
/environment, /envSends a message to the Environment channel.
/oocSends a message to the Out of Character channel.
/loocSends a message to the Local Out of Character channel.
/qoocSends a message to the Quiet Out of Character channel.
/woocSends a message to the Whisper Out of Character channel.
/rollRolls dice based on the input (e.g., /roll 1d20 rolls one 20-sided die).
/rollradiusSets how far the results of your rolls are visible to other players.



The FAQ section aims to answer the most common questions and concerns players and staff may have about using RPSuite on RoE. This section should help clarify features and ensure that both new and experienced users understand how to make the most of the plugin.

Q: How do I create a new character in RPSuite?

  • To create a new character, use the command /charactercreation and confirm with /newchar confirm. You will then be guided through the GUI character creation process to assign stat points, select your race, and choose your language proficiencies.
Q: How many character profiles can I have?
  • Each user can have two character profiles, accessible through the /profiles command or the Nether Star icon in the top left of the character sheet GUI.
Q: How do I switch between character profiles?
  • Use the /profiles command or click on the Nether Star icon in your character sheet. The system will save your location and inventory for each profile, allowing seamless switching.
Q: What is the difference between /character and /sheet?
  • /character or /char displays your character card in chat, where you can edit fields like name or age. /sheet or /charactersheet opens the GUI-based character sheet for a more detailed view of stats, inventory, and lore items.
Q: What are temporary hit points, and how do I use them?
  • Temporary hit points (/temphp) are additional HP added on top of your current health, often gained through spells or abilities. They are used first when taking damage, before your core HP is affected.
Q: How do I join a different chat channel?
  • Use /ch or /channelswitch to view available channels and click on the desired one, or directly type /ch <channelname> to switch. You can also use quick chat commands like /rp or /ooc to message those channels directly.
Q: What is 'Muffling' in chat channels?
  • Muffling is a feature that simulates the effect of obstacles between players, such as walls. If a channel uses Muffling, you will only hear players if they are in line of sight, otherwise their emotes will appear as 'muffled'.
Q: How do I mention someone in chat?
  • Type @ followed by their username to mention them, which will highlight their name and play a sound on their client to alert them.
Q: Can I format my messages in chat?
  • Yes, you can use * for italics and ^ for bold. For example, This is *italic* text or This is ^bold^ text. You can also combine them for bold italics (*^text^*).
Q: How do I append multiple chat messages together?
  • End your message with -- to append it. You can append up to three messages total, and they will be combined when sent. Use /clearchat if you need to clear your appended messages.
Q: Can I use hex codes for emote colors?
  • Currently, emote colors are based on a pre-set list of available colors. In future updates, we plan to support custom hex codes for emote colors.
Q: How can I customize the colour of my name in Roleplay Chats?
  • You can customize the colour of your name in Roleplay Chats by including either Minecraft Chat Colour Codes or Hex when updating your Name. To use Colour Codes, you would use: /character set name &bSerMordred to set your name with a light blue colour. To use Hex Codes, you would use: /character set name <#hexcode>SerMordred to set your name to the colour of the hex.
Q: How do I roll a dice?
  • Use /roll <input> to roll. For example, /roll 1d20 will roll one 20-sided die. You can also combine rolls, like /roll 1d20+3d6.
Q: What is advantage/disadvantage rolling, and how do I use it?
  • To roll with advantage, append 'a' to the dice (e.g., /roll 1d20a), which will roll the die twice and take the higher result. For disadvantage, use 'd' (e.g., /roll 1d20d), taking the lower result.
Q: How do I set the visibility range for my rolls?
  • Use /rollradius <range> to set how far other players can see your roll results. The default range is 20 blocks.
Q: Can I roll using my character's stats?
  • Yes, use /roll [statname], such as /roll strength, to roll a 20-sided die with your character's Strength modifier applied.

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