Shara | The Undergrowth

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[art by cocoacherry]


-General Information-
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her
CLASS: ankle biter
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
RACE: Elven
RESIDENCE: Whatever tree she finds first
str: -1 | con: 4 | agi: 2 | int: 1 | tox: 12/12 | hp: 24/24 | MS: 11

Guard, Quick Cover, Parry, Grapple
Physical Description:

Shara is often seen crouching low, so she does not stand at her full height in most occasions. Otherwise, at 5'8, she looks as unruly as she was raised with a gangly body. Often unkempt in appearance, but somewhat clean, she uses twine for her hair, which otherwise is curly and falls just below her shoulders. Over the years, she has tanned, and a few scars litter her body. She has angular facial features, with sunken in green eyes, constantly on alert.


Shara is unpredictable and unsocialised. Whatever her reason is, she is prone to irrational actions that escape the logical reasoning of those raised within a city. Her clothes are made by her, and she will often only have the one pair for years or until it falls apart on her. She is cautious, and she will often view interactions with people as transactional in a means of survival. Having just returned from a venture for the past three years, she forgets how to act around people. As such, she comes off as crude and primitive... Because she is.

Overall, she's just weird.

Brief backstory:

For whatever reason, Shara was raised by a hermit that had found an infant, snatched it, and decided to raise her. Elven in nature, they communed in Fael, and she only learned Common as he felt his years shortening. Throughout their time together in a remote location nestled in the forest, she had not interacted with anyone else; and her father-like figure was not affectionate by any means. He taught her how to survive, and she fed him. As the years grew unkind on his bones, he would impart random bits of knowledge to her, and though she often told him to shut up, he would continue to do so. When his final day grew closer and he felt it, he gave her directions to the closest village; but even then, there was no love lost between them. She left just before he passed, leaving him alone as she would pursue his instructions.

What happened after was her introduction to society and trading, marking how she interacted with most people following that. She'd leave sporadically, occasionally visiting cities and towns to trade goods.


[artist deleted their account and i cant find the name :(]
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