——————( Seductores et fures et sanguinarius regnant )——————
A letter is delivered to all address on the far corners of Elsar. Each sealed by a wax signet marked by a large 'V'.
Copies would be posted on the town boards in the middle of the low hours for the public. It was written in fine common script.

——————( Seductores et fures et sanguinarius regnant )——————
A letter is delivered to all address on the far corners of Elsar. Each sealed by a wax signet marked by a large 'V'.
Copies would be posted on the town boards in the middle of the low hours for the public. It was written in fine common script.

In the course of history and mortal events, a maintenance
of light is the permanent state of responsibility of civilized
society. It is the highest good to perpetuate ideals of
righteousness, morality, and free doctrines to folk of all
walks of life. Good people idly act to preserve this light by
sustaining a candle which resides in the windowsill of their life.
Such preservation comes in simply forms; to help a neighbor, defense
of honor, mutual respects and reverence for life. The far reaches of Elsar
and the frontier have benefited from these well lit candles of light
gleaming in the windowsill, the eye, of every person one saw on the street.
Prosperity and love was the mantra of those whom have endured so much
I have the horror to gravely report that some time ago,
in the midst of the long night... a hidden hand arose to
extinguish this candle of light by a press of their fingers.
We have awoken to find that few of these candles remain
lit and a great shroud of darkness has descended upon the
whole realm. Indeed, many have willingly extinguished their
candles to feed this shroud. The sun has set and not risen again
over Elsar at the behest of this shroud of Crimson. I report to
you that the Elsarian Confederation, its nobles, and its faculties
are nothing more than an extension of a dark order which seeks
to choke all peoples in pursuit of what they call 'order'. This dark
order and its wretched hand, the Crimson legion, are sure to
achieve the total suffocation of light. A darkest hour has been set
upon us all. All governments have been given over to the so-called
'Benefactor' who rules without question now over all of our lives.
You whom reads this may be fully unaware that your very labor
in the civilized regions of Elsar is serving this dark master. What
is to be done? Has all hope been sacrificed at the altar of this
horrid cabal?
No. There remains candles flickering under the heavy shadow of
this crimson shroud. I declare myself as one of these remaining
flickers of light. It is why I now implore all peoples to take their
candles to those which have been extinguished and place light
back into their lives. I dread the thought of long bloodshed to repel
this scourge and instead call for a igniting to be made to the individuals
whom are rendered to the evil master. There is hope for their hearts yet,
it will only be those whom stand fast to the principles of old who vanquish
this darkness. I stand in resistance, as light, to the Crimson Legion, their
Benefactor, and all those whom are trapped by their machinations. Our
candles shall remain lit until our last breaths are drawn and we shall take
back this realm from all darkness to restore hope, freedom, and love.
With heavy heart for Callista, and those whom I love which have
been taken into the deceptions of the enemy;

Lord of House Volronus
Chancellor-in-Exile of Lunthorpe