Important Vaelyn Building Expansions

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Empire of the Sun
✦ Founder ✦
❖ Mythical ❖


Greetings and good fortune to the many denizens of Vaelyn,

In order to facilitate growth and development, the Voicari and their Interior Ministry have developed a plan to outline the building expansion options available to our occupants. These options apply to personal homes, guild halls, and businesses. This list is currently complete, but may be expanded on in the future as our city and community grow, change, and expand with the ever dynamic world-scape around and throughout us. If anything in this announcement is confusing or concerning, please direct your inquiry to your nearest Consul or Ward Governor, and we will be sure to provide you a solution.

Subterranean expansions are limited to 7x7 rooms at a depth of 8 blocks, accessible by ladder, lift, or stairs. Basements will be created by the Vaelyn Builder's Guild for a one-time fee of 750 Quint. Occupants are required to have occupied their home, guild hall, or business for 1 month before approval for a basement can be given.

OOC Note: The one month requirement is one month of real-world time. Make a ticket and a Staff Member will receive the Quint payment, create your basement, and expand the region accordingly.

Interior Decorating:
Furniture, design, and other interior elements can be provided by the state for a one-time fee of 250 Quint. This is purchasable immediately upon occupying a home, business, or guild hall.

OOC Note: This feature reflects issuance of limited-creative or a Design Team member filling out your home's interior. If you choose the latter option, you may make requests, but the Design Team will decorate your home as they see fit. If you wish to have full control over the interior design, you should opt for receiving limited-creative to design it personally. There isn't a time limit to limited-creative, your one-time payment provides limited-creative for as long as you need it to complete your design.

Exterior Decorating:
Window color, door type, fence and gate type, and the color of exterior siding or plaster can be modified by the state at no cost. This is request-able immediately upon occupying a home, business, or guild hall. Exterior siding/plaster color is restricted by Ward in order to correspond properly with the Ward's theme. Please refer to this list:

- Hearth: Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown, Magenta
- Quint: Teal, Blue, Green, Brown, Grey
- Muse: Yellow, Orange, White, Brown, Pink
- Verdant: Green, Brown, Black, Blue, Terracotta
Alternative wood types are also available to replace existing sidings, with type with respect to color at the discretion of the Vaelyn Builder's Guild in order to correspond with the list above. Other odd materials may be requested, but use thereof is at the sole discretion of the Guildmaster.

OOC Note: This feature is to respect the agency of player creativity by allowing minor exterior modifications to homes and businesses/guilds. Repeat requests after the first request will incur a Quint fee of 250. However, we require that all requests correspond with the theme of each Ward and as such provide a list of appropriate colors for the exterior walls. Window color is essentially open except in cases of severely contrasting color choices. Discretion herewith lies with the Design Team and Administration.

Penned by Consul Ishaq al-Malaga,

With the blessing of the Voicari Council and Undercrown,

Long live the Exaltun!
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