Whispers From the Winds


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The following is a prophecy spoken in the Elden lands of Cailunmire, a pillar of Elven society radiated by the light of the Old Gods. Such is an excerpt from the respected Oracle of the Tide, Miriel.



In the shadowed realms of Athon where those dwell, the Old Gods whisper soft their tales to tell...

From heights where starlit beams and wisdom blend, a message was born on winds of fate, descend...


"Who tread upon this mortal sphere? Heed for sanctuary is near.
Lost are the souls to the Great Despair, yet in their trials true purpose is what they find.
For every heart bore the weight of woe, walk in reverence where the ascended glow.
In halls golden of honor, their deeds enshrined as worthy echoes of a past refined.

Mark well, my children, of the seed of dread that Morraudh the Shadowed has sow.
Cunning whispers, to cloud the vision and malign my word.

Fear not the Old God's radiant hand, nor tremble at his Might for it is his Grace the path shall
be made bright. Yet heed the tempest that the dark one brews, lest lost in the fog, torn and bruised.

Gather kindred spirits in His light for there is unity, shall you find your renowned sight. Stand firm
against the whispers that deceive, and in the strength of the Old God you shall believe.


[ooc: This is just a lil creative writing I've been wanting to try my hand at. Prophecy and poetry is not really my strong suit so if anyone has any constructive criticism feel free to DM it my way! It has been fun conceptualizing the ongoings of a schizo yet scarily peaceful Elven nation, and I hope you all can enjoy this storytelling with me. Art by Pavel Orinyansky]
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A man born from reeds and river blossoms sat in contemplative silence within the shadow of his armor. His crimson eyes open to stare up at a helmet that grinned back at him as the Oracle's words wandered through his mind. Words that read like a gentle breath upon the ear, but rung in the heart like a warhorn. Perhaps his Sunlit kindred felt the same? Pondering the question, he began to prepare a pot of tea to find the answer.


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