☽༓☾ Genoveva Lucilia Bellecote ☽༓☾


Dusty Old Bone
✦ Founder ✦
❖ Mythical ❖


Art by MonMarty

AGE: 23
RACE: Athar
GENDER: Female
NICKNAME(S): Evie, Genie, Gene, Nova


SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
HEIGHT: 5’ 3”
BUILD: Lithe
HAIR: Bright Blonde
EYES: Grey


༓ Scarred fingertips and around the nails.
༓ Expensive looking clothing of red, grey/black and gold,
༓ Cloaks and shawls were particularly common,
༓ Gowns/dresses were the style of choice,
༓ Jewelry were simple golden necklaces and bracelets.
OCCUPATION: Artist and Seamstress
COLOUR PALETTE: #51252D, #79534A, #9E7D4A, #947181, #9C9DA1

STR: -1 | CON: 1 | AGI: 3 | INT: 3 | TOX: 10 | HP: 20 | MS: 12


Throw - Action - AGI
You may throw any light melee weapon.
Reaches a range of 8 blocks as a basic ranged attack.
4 round cooldown.
(Light melee weapons)
༓ Requires 1 in AGI.

Dodge - Passive - AGI
༓ Use agility to dodge from incoming attacks, replaces constitution defensive rolling.
༓ No cooldown. Replaces defensive rolling.
༓ (Any weapons)
༓ Requires 1 in AGI.

Encourage - Bonus Action - INT
༓ Encourage an ally within a 2 block radius, providing them with Bolstered I for 1 turn.
༓ 3 round cooldown.
༓ (Any weapons)
༓ Requires 3 INT.

Calculation - Reaction - INT
༓ You calculate your next moves against oncoming attacks. You can consume your next turn’s reaction to utilise two reactions this turn.
༓ 5 round cooldown.
༓ (Any weapons)
༓ Requires 3 INT.



1726687799344.jpeg"What do you dream of, Eva?" the girl asked pointedly toward the other besides her. The duo, clad in fine dresses if white, pink and blue stood along the cliffside of their families villa. As the waves lapped gently at the stone, the two stood with held hands- watching, talking. Planning.
"I want a garden," the shorter of the two explained with gusto, "a garden that surrounds my own estate. With hundreds of flowers from all across the continents. I want a greenhouse where I can spend my days tending to plants, growing fruits and - to be well away from father."

The more somber girl nodded her head, though the shorter one continued in question. "What about you, Genie?"

Genie considered the question silently. A furrowed brow scoured the horizon as though it held all the answers one could require. "One day, I want to get on one of those boats and leave," the girl began, "I want to leave, and never look back. You can come with me? We should go together- change our lives without him over our shoulders?"

"But to what end?!" the woman expressed in exasperation, "why would you do something like this?"84551649cc71ce6bf3ea77b73910fc4b.jpg

Papers were shuffled at the desk, of which the woman stood before. The man sat behind it glanced forward, unamused. "It is for your own good," he began in harsh tone, "he is respectable, hard working, and can afford to pay a small fortune." - "You can spend your days well kept, able to do what ever hobbies you wish to, without the need to take any responsibility."
"So you consider me costly- but useless? I see- I understand."
Tears welled in the corner of the womans eyes, her hands came to meet before her, and she began to pick away at the tip of one finger. Stress induced, perhaps. "I can do more that simply dress pretty- I can do more than be a trophy to some family with too much gold to spare."
"Prove it,"
the man stated- gaze harsh as he met the womans own. "Prove to me that you are capable of being something other than a wallflower. Take to work, make use of a hobby- anything, Evie. Your mother is at her wits end- the rest of your siblings have moved on and found their paths whilst you remain aimless."
A nod- and a wince came from the woman, Evie, in response.

"And for goodness sake, stop picking at your fingers. You will make them scarred- and no one will take to you then."

cc22c33ae331530b2d1cbcd3ccaa21bd.jpgIn the dead of night, that following eve, Evie shoved what she could into a large travel case. Her gowns- she noted as she peered into her wardrobe, would have to be left behind, save one or two. The comforts she was so used to, that plush bed, maids to bring her meals.. what would she do? It was no matter- her father had told her to prove herself and so she would.

The woman took to the docks that night, with one solitary bag of belongings. "To Manaan port," she stated to the dockmaster, as he stood waiting for those to board. Coin was exchanged, and Evie was ushered onto a large ship. "It won' be ah comfortable ride, Miss. S'not made fer fancy travellers- jus' average folks."
"It does not matter,"
she explained as she glanced about the boat. While there were plenty of people aboard- not one came to help her with her bag. Then, Evie realized, she was on her own.

"I can do it."


Dawn broke over the island of New Sansretour, and Genoveva awoke to birdsong. Lazily, she drew herself out of her bed and over to the balcony doors.
She drew the curtains aside, and pushed the doors open wide. With a deep breath, she welcomed the coastal air. Saltwater mingled with the greenery of the vineyard that surrounded the Chateau; the ever flowing water of the courtyards fountain sand alongside the various birds which had made their roost atop the grand home she called hers.

The village still remained dormant; her guests were either still sleeping or had already left for the day. A blissful smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she leaned against the surrounding railing of the balcony.

"This is where I should be," the woman hummed softly to herself, to no on else in particular, "this is comfort, and home."


"A journal for your stories..." Pen met parchment as Genoveva began to write. Elaborate swirls of each letter joined the other as the document was wrote and ultimately, signed off. It was set besides the handmade journal atop the guest's bed, and then she left the room. The door closed with a gentle click, and
Gene peered at the name above the door. Would they like the gift? Was it unprompted- would it be strange?

The woman began off to explore the halls of the Chateau. Once, it had been empty, but now she noted, signs of the life it bustled with were evident day to day. New, trailing plants had been planted; they grew along the stone walls and framed windows with their blossoms. Clutter; pans, crates, a pair of boots besides a door- all these reminders of her guests brought an air of calm to her otherwise anxious demeanor.

Employees, friends, companions - they all had left their mark upon the Chateau. Their voices echoed throughout the courtyard; their laughter and conversation brought a warmth to the place. For that, Genoveva was grateful. "We should host a celebration, one day."

"Nova," the letter she had read again and again. The poem, the story. A daily routine of disbelief.
That letter was always with Genoveva, stowed away on her person and kept always safe. It was a comforting symbol now, whether its author had intended such or not.

The bubbling of chai atop the stove roused her from the letter, and Nova turned to the stove top. Cinnamon, cardomon and various other spices steeped within the mixture, filling the Chateau with its exotic scent. She poured the mixture into a pot, and then served herself a cup. This, too, had become a daily routine; a ritual almost.

With hands clasped around her mug for warmth, Gene made her way into the courtyard. Construction had began several days prior; the building was in dire need of changes to properly house he friends and her sister, all of whom had graced The Imperialis with their presence.

She peered to the nights sky; the stars that danced inbetween the clouds reminded Nova of her letter once more. To a particular room she looked to; whilst her guest was away, she had organized the renovation of their room.
"He deserves so much more," Nova muttered into her mug of chai, "I hope he feels at home ."

1732136614106.jpegDays past with relative ease within Vaelyn. The city was perfect- too perfect. It left nothing to work for, nothing to seek. Its people, residents of Manaan and further had all adapted swiftly, claiming houses too grand for most of them.

Those who would have otherwise sought shelter in shacks took to great manors, lording themselves around as though they were kings. Genoveva could only watch; the house she had been able to claim was nothing when compared to the estate she had held before. She tried to remain humble, but there was a twang of sadness there that she could not hide.

Her travel pack, filled with what basics she could collect before their journey was made, was left aside within the stone hall that was the first floor. Her boots echoed as the rubber met cobble, as she drew herself to the center of the room. That was where she sat, the travelling garb her partner had provided her with embracing her, warming her from the evenings oncoming chill. For a time she remained, knees pulled to her chest, head burried within folded arms. A silence claimed the house and its inhabitant.

"I had a dream that we were back in New Sansretour," Gene spoke to her partner across the table, as they shared the first home-cooked meal of their new home. Home- her lips pressed into a thin smile as she recalled the event. "When you first cooked for me, do you remember?"

With decorating complete, she had done all she could with the space they had. A small kitchen and dining area, and an upper floor for a singular bedroom. It was a far sight different to the several rooms, studies, workshops and all else her former home once had. Starting anew, she reminded herself.

Her partner noted this, her distaste or, unhappiness with their situation. He was much more free in spirit; he had come to her with little to no material possessions, and had learned to value the smaller things in life. "We should take our minds off Sansretour," he spoke softly, his hand reaching across the table for her own, "take our minds off the city. See what its forests and meadows have to offer instead, yes?"

Gene took the offered hand, a gesture so sorely needed in the moment. She exhaled deeply, and nodded her head. "That would be for the best," she replied, "we can discover what secrets it has together."


ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good

༓ Situate as an artist
༓ Overcome some anxiety
༓ Write a story.
༓ Climb the highest mountain, and watch the stars.
༓ Introduce more family members to the house, and have them join her.
༓ Develop culture and depth; separate further the houses of Blanchi and Bellecote.
Define a proper focus to the house.
༓ Expand trade to other settlements.
Financial goal of 2,000 Quint reserve.
༓ Brew, bottle and produce several new drinks; have them sold throughout the isles.

Unique ¬ Positive ¬ Neutral ¬ Negative

'The Wanderer' - Kael [Significant Other]
"When I opened my home to you, I never expected to be repaid with such companionship. You listened to me, encouraged me to share with you those parts of my life that clouded my days. There was never a moment where you critisized me- or told me that those worries were nothing. And now, we sit beneath the stars together. Your light draws me in at every moment; your stories keep me in the world of wonder and your compassion keeps me grounded."
Evangeline Bellecote [Sister]
"Days spent in our youth planning, talking of better lives and bigger dreams have come to a point. How we are better off for our sacrifices. We can support one another, guide one another- I will always have your back. I hope that The Imperialis is what you dreamed of."

Aleister Ironcrow [Friend]
"You were the first I turned to upon my arrival to Manaan. You helped me find a part of myself I sorely needed, which still helps me to this day. Though I once considered us friends, I fear our paths are too different. I wish nothing but the best for you."
Sigurd Rhewensson [Friend]
"How you have changed since you first stepped foot in Manaan. I am glad that you found a place within Falkenstein, and despite your elusiveness, hope that you are able to find a purpose. My door is always open to you, my friend."

Eloisa [Friend]
"Whilst our meetings are few and far between, you are always able to brighten my day. Our paths keep us from finding the time but, should you find yourself within The Imperialis- you and your furry companion are always welcome to stop by."
Ethiron [Friend]
"If you had been blonde, I might mistake you for my brother, and I say that as a compliment I assure you. There is a comfort in the exchanges we have that I am grateful for. Remember; you are welcome at my home any time."

Sine Verrador
Juniper Drakewood










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